Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Fuchs, Madeline | A case study on perceptions of homeless abatements in Salt Lake County | Homelessness impacts 12,442 Utahns every year. Several of these people live in encampments, these areas are particularly problematic because they often become places of heightened health, sanitation, and safety concerns. In order to mitigate these issues, several municipalities within Salt Lake Coun... | | 2023 |
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 | Thoma, Sofia | A review of the cardiovascualr impacts of particualte matter air polution amoung canver patients | Particulate Matter (PM) is a component of both indoor and ambient (outdoor) air pollution. Exposure to air pollution is becoming increasingly more common, because of anthropogenic activities, including burning fossil fuels, increased urbanization and industrialization, and climate change. Compared t... | focus tends | 2024 |
3 |
 | Fairchild, Dylan | Climate change, extreme weather fluctuations and future of inhabitance and use in the Wasatch Mountain Range | Anthropogenic climate warming is occurring on a scale of exponential frequency. This climate change is a problem in and of itself as it permanently adjusts worldwide weather patterns and damages ecosystems essential to the function of our contemporary lives. This analysis will focus on the Wasatch M... | | 2024 |
4 |
 | | Ecological literacy for wellness | | | 2023 |
5 |
 | Schofield, Zachary C | The Effects of State Level Energy Policy on Renewable Energy Markets | For the past few decades, state governments have attempted to steer their energy portfolios toward sources that are environmentally responsible and come at a lower cost. The two primary policies that are analyzed in this work are Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) and market deregulation. Because t... | | 2017 |
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 | Nistler, Abbie | Emotional responses to climate change amongst environmental and sustainability studies students at the University of Utah | While climate grief is heavily explored, climate positivity has only recently become an area of study, as the flipside of climate grief. Environmental and Sustainability Studies (ENVST) students at the University of Utah are unique in terms of outlook on climate change. Their perspective is unique d... | negative emotions | 2024 |
7 |
 | Weeks, Rory | Exploring the ecogothic in Marian Womack's "black isle" | We live in a frightening time. It is an age of anxiety, loneliness, and terror as the looming specters of climate collapse and innumerable environmental crises enter unbidden into our reality to an ever-greater extent, to the point that we often just need to look outside in order to observe the horr... | | 2021 |
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 | Parnell, Alycia M. | Finding home: discovering place in a changing world | In spring of 2010, I took a class called Global Environmental Issues from a professor in the biology department named Fred Montague, who had achieved a somewhat legendary status as a lecturer. He taught us science, the grim outlook of the environment, and the convoluted policies working against chan... | | 2012-08 |
9 |
 | Segura, Haley | Fire history and environmental disturbance reconstruction for Fish Lake, Utah | Fish Lake's location in central Utah at 8,848 feet above sea level offers a unique opportunity to study the impact of wildfires on high-elevation forested ecosystems in the Colorado Plateau region. A ~60,000-year lake sediment record from Fish lake provides evidence of multiple disturbances througho... | | 2023 |
10 |
 | Segura, Haley | Fire history and environmental disturbance reconstruction for Fish Lake, Utah | | | 2023 |
11 |
 | Jordan, Benjamin Waltz | From sewer to soil: planetary boundaries, metabolic rift and Salt Lake City's wastewater treatment | Salt Lake City's water resource recovery facility (WRRF) is undergoing a multi-year upgrade in order to reduce nitrogen-induced eutrophication in the Great Salt Lake. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles all converge at WRRFs where they can, in part, be managed. In this paper, I perform a general... | | 2021 |
12 |
 | Sencion, Maglay | Gardens on food security and health of resettled refugees in the Salt Lake City Area | There are several nutritional challenges that refugees and immigrants face during and after migration. Often, they arrive in their new countries with nutrition deficiencies due to cultural and language barriers, poor housing, and low socioeconomic conditions. Following their arrival, recently resett... | | 2023 |
13 |
 | Quackenbush, Cameron | The Great Salt dustbowl: the impacts of a drying ecosystem | The Salt Lake Valley faces a dire environmental situation: the drying of the Great Salt Lake (GSL). As state and local water authorities push forward with plans to further dam and divert the single largest input to the GSL, it is crucial to acknowledge the implications of a drying lake bed for the W... | Salt Lake Valley; acknowledge; Wasatch Front | 2019 |
14 |
 | Quinn, Chloe | The impact of the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River: options for the future | The Grand Canyon and the Colorado River at its base are iconic natural features of the western United States that are revered by many. This landscape may be well known for its resplendent red canyon walls and beautiful river with huge whitewater, but it is also famous for the monstrous dams that con... | | 2023 |
15 |
 | Kaur, Kiman | The Intersections of Gender, Race, and the environment: how can queer ecology shift power and Place in Ecosystems? | Colonization and colonialism in the United States (U.S.) create flawed social constructions of race and gender that perpetuate a hierarchical dominance of power based on one's identity. This hierarchy of power overwhelmingly marginalizes communities of color, especially womxn1 of color, while uplift... | | 2018 |
16 |
 | Foott, Bettymaya | Light pollution hazards within ecosystems and mitigation strategies for the future | Light Pollution is a phenomenon caused by poor lighting design, and is increasing globally. Only recently are scientists beginning to fully understand how light pollution affects humans and the environment. Birds, which play an important role in our ecosystem, are vulnerable to light pollution effec... | Light pollution Lighting -- Environmental aspects | 2015-05 |
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 | Hoang, Uyen | The Misogyny of climate denialism and It's influence on World leaders' climate response | As our planet's climate crisis worsens every year, the actions of our world leaders become increasing imperative when addressing environmental issues. This research investigates the interconnectedness of misogyny and climate denialism by examining various identities and how they may influence, chang... | | 2020 |
18 |
 | Liu, Julianne | The mobilization of Asian Americans for environmental justice | Largely excluded from conceptions of racial injustice in the United States, Asian Americans also experience marginalization in the Environmental Justice (EJ) movement. This invisibility is reinforced by EJ literature, which contains comparatively little research on Asian Americans compared to other ... | | 2021 |
19 |
 | Mallory, Halley | Modeled after Nature | The Anthropocene is the current geological epoch marked by human dominance. Among other changes, human-caused climate change has increased natural disasters, altering the conditions of life for communities around the world. Our best response to these catastrophes is to become more resilient. Case st... | | 2018 |
20 |
 | Case, Julia | On the bicycle and humility: making sanctuary at the nexus of capitalism and climate change | The Anthropocene, or perhaps better referred to as the Capitalocene, has been marked by human activity that is intense both in depth and breadth. Human interactions with the greater ecology of the planet have, since the Industrial Revolution, been markedly onesided, with a misguided perception of hu... | | 2021 |
21 |
 | Posselli, Darcy | The presence of environmental advocacy through the foundational theology of love, contemplation, and prayer in midcentury Century Christiantiy | In the 1968 essay "The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis," Lynn White Jr. makes an argument for what he evaluates as the influence of Christianity on Western culture, which has led to the environmental degradation that marks the 20th century. By looking at a few prominent theologians who wer... | Environmental Studies, Honors | 2012-05 |
22 |
 | Posselli, Darcy | The presence of environmental advocacy through the foundational theology of love, contemplation, and prayer in midcentury Christianity | In the 1968 essay "The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis," Lynn White Jr. makes an argument for what he evaluates as the influence of Christianity on Western culture, which has led to the environmental degradation that marks the 20th century. By looking at a few prominent theologians who wer... | Poetry - 20th century; Christianity and nature; Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965; Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; Cardenal, Ernesto; Levertov, Denise, 1923-1997 | 2012-05 |
23 |
 | Sánchez, Alexander Alberto | Reexamining global drug eradication policies: A systemic analysis of their ecological and societal effects in Mexico, Colombia and Afghanistan | Since 1961, the U.N. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs has continued to be the overarching treaty that has been followed and enforced, as a prohibitionist international drug control model. By conducting a systematic review of primary and secondary sources, this paper demonstrates how U.N. establis... | Drug control -- Mexico; Drug control -- Colombia; Drug control -- Afghanistan | 2015-04 |
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 | Cheek, Isaac | Rights of nature for the Colorado River | The Colorado River is the backbone of civilization in the Western United States, and it is facing an unprecedented environmental crisis. As drought tightens its grip on the Basin, a diverse array of stakeholders and policymakers are postured to negotiate a new policy regime for the Colorado River. T... | | 2022 |
25 |
 | Henderson, Anna Christine | The Rising demand for secondhand: rhetorical drivers and sustainable implications of thrift shopping | Thrift shopping is not a new activity, but it is a newly trending hot topic. This thesis aims to look at the appeal of thrift shopping while also exploring the sustainability of this practice. By examining three different avenues of thrift, Goodwill, Depop, and especially focusing on Patagonia's Wor... | | 2022 |