126 - 150 of 1,082
Number of results to display per page
126 The archive and the processor: the internal logic of web 2.02011Textir_uspace
127 Are our goals really what we're after?2012-12Textir_etd
128 The Argumentation of Relious Policy Change in Restoration England2019Textir_htoa
129 Aristophanes: Acharnians, Knights, and Peace, Translated, and with theatrical commentary2012-01-01Textir_uspace
130 Aristotle on making other selves1987Textir_uspace
131 Aristotle on sameness and oneness1971-04Textir_uspace
132 Art's "background of flame" and the Paterian temperament of art2014-05Textir_htoa
133 Articulate wisdom : rhetorical technique in John Donne's satires1977Textir_etd
134 Assisted suicide: can we learn from Germany?1992Textir_uspace
135 The associations of vigor, anger, and depression with conversational argument behavior2017Textir_etd
136 Atomic frontiers: how the bomb is transforming the literatures of the American West2012-05Textir_etd
137 Bacteria, bodies, and boundaries: a critical genealogy of clostridium difficile and the human body2018Textir_etd
138 Baudelaire as seen through Les Fleurs du Mal1964Textir_uspace
139 Bayesianism in a Social Context2019Textir_htoa
140 Becoming war-machines: neoliberalism, critical politics, and singularities of struggle2011-08Textir_etd
141 Becoming-learning: rethinking transformative education by reconceptualizing learner agency and illuminating the immanent dynamism of classrooms2010-08Textir_etd
142 Before Escalante1952Textir_etd
143 Before Escalante: an early history of the Yuta Indians and the area north of New Mexico1951Textir_etd
144 Being and becoming: observation and teacher talk with five graduate student teaching assistants2019Textir_etd
145 Being Hafu (Biethnic Japanese) in Japan: through the eyes of the Japanese media, Japanese university students, and Hafu themselves2014-05Textir_etd
146 Being latina: the crossroads of identity in U.S.-Latino literature2022Textir_htoa
147 Beneath the hood and robe: a socioeconomic analysis of Ku Klux Klan membership in Denver, Colorado, 1921-19251980Textir_uspace
148 Berman, Marshall. Adventures in marxism2001Textir_uspace
149 Bilingualism and cognitive control: a comparison of sequential and simultaneous bilinguals2017Textir_etd
150 Bilingualism and cognitive control: a comparison of sequential and simultaneous bilinguals2017Textir_etd
126 - 150 of 1,082