Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
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 | Mallon, Ronald | 'Race': normative, not metaphysical or semantic | In recent years, there has been a flurry of work on the metaphysics of race. While it is now widely accepted that races do not share robust, biobehavioral essences, opinions differ over what, if anything, race is. Recent work has been divided between three apparently quite different answers. A varie... | | 2006 |
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 | Battin, Margaret P. | A midwife through the dying process: stories of healing and hard choices at the end of life | In Timothy Quill's recounting of the deaths of nine patients, the final description is of the planned death of Jules: at home, surrounded by family members, and aided by a physician. It is a moving, true story, recounted in meticulous detail, from the first diagnosis to the final dose of barbiturat... | | 1997 |
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 | Francis, Leslie | A wrongful case for parental tort liability | Malek and Daar [M&D] argue that parents have a duty to employ prenatal genetic diagnosis (PGD) if they undergo IVF knowing they are at risk of transmitting a serious genetic condition. Although M&D limit their analysis to parents already undergoing PGD, in which they say the parental obligation is s... | | 2012-01-01 |
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 | Francis, Leslie | Accommodating every body | This Article contends that workplace accommodations should be predicated on need or effectiveness instead of group-identity status. It proposes that, in principle, "accommodating every body" be achieved by extending Americans with Disabilities Act-type reasonable accommodation to all work-capable me... | | 2014-01-01 |
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 | Nichols, Shaun | Adaptive complexity and phenomenal consciousness | Focuses on epiphenomenalism problems in arguments about evolutionary function of phenomenal consciousness. Implications of cognitive neuropsychology evidence for the structure of phenomenal consciousness; Distinction of different kinds of epiphenominalist arguments; Provision of a developmental basi... | Cognitive neuroscience; Cognizant; Exceptional | 2001-09-11 |
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 | Andreou, Chrisoula | Addiction, procrastination, and failure points in decision-making systems | Redish et al. suggest that their failures-in-decision-making framework for understanding addiction can also contribute to improving our understanding of a variety of psychiatric disorders. In the spirit of reflecting on the significance and scope of their research, I briefly develop the idea that t... | Addiction; Failure in decision-making systems | 2008-08 |
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 | Battin, Margaret P. | Age rationing and the just distribution of health care: is there a duty to die? | These lines express a view again stirring controversy: that the elderly who are irreversibly ill, whose lives can be continued only with substantial medical support, ought not to be given treatment; instead, their lives should be brought to an end. It should be recognized, as one contemporary politi... | | 1987 |
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 | Battin, Margaret P. | Age-rationing and the just distribution of health care: Is there a duty to die? | The author analyzes the argument that a policy involving distributive justice in the allocation of scarce health care resources, based on the strategy of rational self interest maximation under a veil of ignorance (Rawls/Daniels), would result in an age rationing system of voluntary, socially encour... | Health care providers; Death; Euthanasia | 1987-01 |
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 | Battin, Margaret P. | Aging and ethics: philosophical problems in gerontology | Aging and Ethics addresses a crucial issue: In order to address the dilemmas aging poses concerning distributive justice in health care, don't we need to rethink both the personal and social significance of old age? | | 1993 |
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 | Morrow, Carolyn | Another aspect of the fénix: Lope as writer of autos | Hispanists have frequently lamented the loss of a large number of the comedias of Lope de Vega while, proportionately, there may be greater cause for regret in the case of his autos. Texts of only forty-odd of these are known today - a number quite different from the four hundred which Juan Pérez ... | | 1972 |
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 | Battin, Margaret P. | Applied professional ethics and institutional religion: the methodological issues | In the last several years, philosophical enthusiasm for applied professional ethics has spread from medicine to law, education, government, engineering, business, and to other professional and semiprofessional fields. Each involves an institutional structure within which professional practitioners p... | Professional ethics; Religion; Applied ethics | 1984 |
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 | Parker, Bradley J. | Archaeological manifestations of empire: Assyrias imprint on Southeastern Anatolia | One of the most enduring problems for the study of ancient empires is the fact that material correlates indicative of imperial integration are often difficult to define in the archaeological record. This situation results in part from two factors that distinguish empires from other less complex poli... | | 2003-01-01 |
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 | Gehl, Robert W. | The archive and the processor: the internal logic of web 2.0 | In Web 2.0, there is a social dichotomy at work based upon and reflecting the underlying Von Neumann architecture of computers. In the hegemonic Web 2.0 business model, users are encouraged to process digital ephemera by sharing content, making connections, ranking cultural artifacts, and producing ... | | 2011 |
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 | Duncan, Alexander Colin | Aristophanes: Acharnians, Knights, and Peace, Translated, and with theatrical commentary | A thenian "Old Comedy," despite its traditional title, has become accustomed to frequent renewal. Michael Ewans, an experienced scholar and director of ancient drama, offers the latest renovation with his able verse A translations of Aristophanes' Acharnians, Knights, and Peace that are complemente... | | 2012-01-01 |
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 | Millgram, Elijah | Aristotle on making other selves | There is still a relative paucity of discussion of the views on friendship that Aristotle presents in the Nicomachean Ethics, although some recent work may indicate a new trend. One suspects that this paucity reflects a belief that those views are not very interesting; if true, this witnesses to an ... | Virtue-friendship; Nicomachean Ethics; Non-instrumental friendship | 1987 |
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 | White, Nicholas P. | Aristotle on sameness and oneness | Before I begin, let me get one substantial issue out of the way. Recently certain views which are in many ways similar to Aristotle's have been expounded in connection with the idea that there is something wrong with the words "same" and "identical" used by themselves, and that we should instead mak... | Leibniz' Law; Metaphysics; Greek philosophers | 1971-04 |
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 | Battin, Margaret P. | Assisted suicide: can we learn from Germany? | As the United States' public discussion of euthanasia and assisted suicide grows increasingly volatile, our interest in the Netherlands--the only country that openly permits the practice of euthanasia--has grown enormously. How do they do it? we ask. What drugs do they use? How many cases of euthan... | Assisted suicide; Netherlands; Right to die | 1992 |
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 | Morrow, Carolyn | Baudelaire as seen through Les Fleurs du Mal | Modern phychology emphasizes the similarity of the dream to works of art, especially poetry. The dreamer or the poet works through symbols, which express his inner self, a self largely unknown to the conscious mind.1 There can be no "difference irreductible entre le 'moi' subjectif and le 'je' crea... | | 1964 |
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 | Goldberg, Robert A. | Beneath the hood and robe: a socioeconomic analysis of Ku Klux Klan membership in Denver, Colorado, 1921-1925 | The Invisible Empire of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was in numbers and political influence the most powerful social movement of the 1920s and probably the most significant crusade of the American right-wing. Unlike its predecessor of the Reconstruction period or its descendant of today, this Kla... | | 1980 |
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 | Landesman, Bruce M. | Berman, Marshall. Adventures in marxism | This book contains an introduction and thirteen short pieces previously published in such journals as the Nation, the New York Times Book Review, New Politics, and Dissent, dating from 1963 to 1998. | Capitalism; Human; System | 2001 |
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 | Millgram, Elijah | Book review: Candace Vogler's, John Stuart Mill's Deliberative Landscape | This is a review of Candace Vogler's John Stuart Mill's Deliberative Landscape. Vogler's explores Mill's mental breakdown and its effect on his Philosophy;. In addition, Vogler's treatment is an intervention in the contemporary debate about practical reasoning. Both in its impressive control of t... | Book review; Determinism; Moral Philosophy | 2002 |
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 | Morrow, Carolyn | Breaking the rules: transgression and carnival in Ultimas tardes con Teresa | Rituals and celebrations emerge as a central structuring device in the love story that forms the center of Ultimas tardes con Teresa, Juan Marse's prize-winning novel of 1965. The narrative begins with a couple, Manolo and Teresa, strolling through the center of Barcelona during Fiesta Mayor, one o... | Rituals; Society; Culture | 1991 |
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 | Gehl, Robert W. | Building a blog cabin during a financial crisis: circuits of struggle in the digital enclosure | One of the most pressing questions facing television studies is how to understand the migration of media production and consumption onto web applications which depend on user-generated content. Scholars inspired by the political economy of communication (PEC) tradition have focused on how the accumu... | | 2011 |
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 | Battin, Margaret P. | C. G. Prado, choosing to die: elective death and multiculturalism | The central practical issue that this thorough, stimulating, and important book addresses is whether suicide can be rational in the context of terminal illness. Answers to this issue can be readily formulated in the familiar context of western political thought, with its liberal paradigm of autonomy... | | 2008 |
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 | Downes, Stephen M. | Can scientific development and children's cognitive development be the same process? | Assesses the value of the developmental psychology of science proposed by Alison Gopnik and Andrew Meltzoff to the understanding of scientific development. Role of distinctions between ontogeny and phylogeny when appealing to biology for theoretical support; Conception of cognition as a set of verid... | Cognition; Developmental psychology; Ontogeny; Phylogeny; Science, Philosophy | 2001-09-11 |