626 - 650 of 2,088
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626 Discovery of platinum (II) and azulene derivative cocrystals with fluorinated cyanoaromatics2024Textir_htoa
627 Discovery of platinum (II) cocrystals with highly fluorinated cyanocarbons2023Textir_htoa
628 The Disparity Between Student Science Writing and Professional Sciencetific Writing2017Textir_htoa
629 Disproportionate associations between the financial crisis and firm valuation2014-12Textir_htoa
630 Disruptive power: A comparison of political voice for non-elites after the great depression and the recession of 20082015-05Textir_htoa
631 Dissecting the genetic and learned components of oscine birdsong2015-12Textir_htoa
632 The distinction between literary and best selling novels as evidenced by The Mammoth Hunters, The Handmaid's Tale, and Les Guerilleres1988-08Textir_htca
633 Distraction-based coping and emotion regulation difficulties as predictors of high-risk behaviorTextir_htoa
634 Divalent cation conductivity of beta-alumina1983-06Textir_htca
635 Diverse Neighborhoods, Food Access, and Urban Agriculture: a Case Study of Four Community Gardens in Salt Lake CityTextir_htoa
636 Diversity and metabolic potential of microbial communities in a site of continental serpentinization2016-05Textir_htoa
637 Divorce and its influence on children's time use2000Textir_htca
638 DNA metabarcoding of trnL intron using the minion device to assess BEE foraging from Pollen2023Textir_htoa
639 DNA repair enzyme muty thermostability and activity on DNA/RNA hybrid substrates2024Textir_htoa
640 DNA split aptamers as a biosensing platform for the detection of small drug moleculesTextir_htoa
641 Do caps on non-economic damages decrease medical malpractice insurance premiums?2015-04Textir_htoa
642 Do children affect an abused parent's choice to seek treatment?2016-05Textir_htoa
643 Do Family Demographics Explain Middles-Class Status? Utah VS United States2019Textir_htoa
644 Do reproductive-age women increase their physical activity levels during the first four weeks of the diabetes prevention program?2021Textir_htoa
645 Does ceramide contribute to vascular dysfunction in mice with type 1 diabetes?2012-05Textir_htoa
646 Does the future of streaming look like cable?2024Textir_htoa
647 Does Utah need a sexual predator statute? An examination of the constitutionality of sexual predator laws1996-06Textir_htca
648 Does warning language impact perceptions? results from an exploratory experiment comparing English, Spanish, and Dual language E-Cigarette earning among Spanish speakers2021Textir_htoa
649 Don Quixote: The art of interpretation1987-05Textir_htca
650 Doping amorphous copper arsenic sulfide semiconductors through the addition of oxygen and cadmium1993Textir_htca
626 - 650 of 2,088