Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Miller, Matthew | The Affordable Care Act and the Future of us Healthcare: Consumer Driven Care and Value Driven Care | Healthcare in the United States has drastically changed over the last two hundred years. Today, the United States has the most technologically advanced medical care in the world. But, as a result, costs have soared and currently account for 17% of the GDP, which is significantly higher than in other... | | 2017 |
2 |
 | Jabini, Mohammad Emad | An Examination of Switchover Costs | This thesis project focuses on firm strategies that target consumer switchover costs of three industries: pharmaceuticals, information technology, and food processing. The project explores those that involve increasing customer dependency, predatory marketing, and hidden fees, which improve firms' b... | | 2018 |
3 |
 | Otrusinik, Jan | Bank Profitability, Mergers and Acquisitions: An Empirical Analysis for the US Economy | Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are popular strategies deployed by financial institutions to expand their balance sheets and consequently their market share. Economic and regulatory forces over the prior 30 years have been instrumental in driving M&A activity within the financial sector, yet limited ... | Bank profitability | 2020 |
4 |
 | Esplin, Jess | Capital account liberalization & income inequality: 1980-2009 | In this paper, I examine the relationship between income distribution and the capital market account from 1980 to 2009 across a sample of developed and semi-developed countries. A review of the literature suggests that capital account liberalization raises income inequality. Several factors alleged ... | Income distribution; mathematical models | 2016-04 |
5 |
 | Greenwood, Riley Joseph | Changes in earnings distribution in Peru: 2004-2014 | This thesis explores the changes in earnings distribution among heads of household in Peru from 2004 to 2014 by applying Dinardo, Fortin, and Lemieux's methodology of counterfactual distributions and decompositions. Various measures indicate that earnings inequality among heads of household reduce... | Earnings Distribution; Inequality; Counterfactual | 2014-12 |
6 |
 | Meredith, Sarah | The Community and School Factors Effecting Student Achievement in Utah Public School Districts | In 2017, the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst (LFA) published a report titled "What Drives Student Achievement Across States?" finding that, "educational attainment of adults has the largest and most consistent impact on k-12 student achievement." This was analysis on three measure of studen... | | 2020 |
7 |
 | Falvo, Jamie | Decomposition of ethnic wage gap in Utah and intermountain region | Hispanic workers on average earn less than white workers in both Utah and the Intermountain region. Average wage disparities in Utah and the Intermountain region are largely similar in magnitude, with various socioeconomic factors affecting these wage disparities. However, little is known about the ... | Income distribution - Utah; Wages - Utah | 2016-04 |
8 |
 | Glauser, David | The economic effects of legalizing marijuana | Marijuana legalization would offer an important advantage over decriminalization in that it would allow for legal distribution and taxation of cannabis as well as decrease costly enforcement and incarceration expenses. Despite these costly enforcement efforts, marijuana is the most commonly used ill... | Marijuana - Political aspects - United States | 2012-05 |
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 | David, Maria | The effect of physician altruism on patient health outcomes in a signaline game | I construct a model for interactions between patients and physicians and use the model to explore which conditions are necessary for the patient to receive a certain quality of care. The model allows the patient, upon observing an illness, to choose between treatment or no treatment options while th... | | 2017 |
10 |
 | Miller, Curtis | Explaining Utah's gender gap in wages | Women earn less than men, and the disparity between men's and women's wages in Utah is larger than the same disparity at the national or regional levels. Little is known as to why Utah has a larger wage gap than the nation or its neighbors. In this paper, we use Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition to decom... | Women -- Employment -- Utah; Wage differentials -- Utah; Gender gap | 2015-08 |
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 | Stephan, Chandler | Family and urban structures as determinants of income mobility differences in Salt Lake | Income mobility is the measure of the difference between a child's income and their parent's income. A higher rate of mobility is indicative of a greater ability to positively change income over generations while a lower rate means there is less mobility. A higher rate of mobility can reduce the amo... | | 2017 |
12 |
 | Gambassi, Jack L. | Framing social justice through the capabilities lens: examining post-conviction labor market barriers | This thesis relates two bodies of existing research: (1) the use of capabilities as the basis for a theory of justice and (2) labor market reentry barriers created by conviction history. The capabilities approach is an alternative analytical framework to understanding social justice than alternative... | | 2023 |
13 |
 | Pacholarz, Natalia | The Great Salt Lake: drought, pollution, and economic impacts | This thesis analyzes the causes which are leading the Great Salt Lake to dry up and decrease in size. Furthermore, it examines the environmental implications of this trend, in particular looking at the impacts for air quality and pollution. This paper also discusses the economic impacts from these e... | | 2021 |
14 |
 | Christensen, David S. | Harmonization of EU-U.S. regulatory standards: challenges and opportunities | The prevailing trend of lower tariffs over the past half century has dramatically increased global trade flows and has exposed many previously invisible non-tariff barriers to trade, including trade-distorting regulatory practices. In this paper, I provide a broad overview of current practice and th... | United States. Trade Development.; Eurupoean Union trade relations; Harmonizing standards | 2012-05 |
15 |
 | Gordon, Matthew | Hysteresis and the learning-By-doing mechanism in the monetary policy context: a bayesian vector autoregression appoach | Standard macroeconomic theory typically assumes that output in the long-run is independent of the short-run business cycle. The hysteresis hypothesis assumes the contrary and supposes that short-run economic shocks can have a permanent effect on the level of output. This paper empirically tests the ... | | 2022 |
16 |
 | Halberg, Nick | The Inverse effect of population growth on water use in Utah | The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute projects that Utah will experience rapid population growth over the next 45 years. It is commonly assumed that this sudden increase in population will subsequently lead to a sudden increase in the demand for water, thereby creating a need for new water diversions.... | | 2020 |
17 |
 | Murray, Clint | Keynes as theorist and investor | There is an abundance of literature that extensively explicates how various factors, notably probability theory, influenced John Maynard Keynes's thinking and economic theories in regards to the behavior of financial markets and the agents making decisions in those markets. Commentators, however, ha... | Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946 - Criticism and interpretation | 2016-04 |
18 |
 | Haxhiu, Elird | The labor market implications of unification between Albania and Kosovo | This paper estimates the impact that political unification between the currently independent states of Albania and Kosovo would have on the labor markets in each country. Specifically, it analyzes and quantifies by analogy the propensity of workers in Kosovo to migrate to Albania seeking employment ... | Albania - Economic conditions; Kosovo (Republic) - Economic conditions | 2014-04 |
19 |
 | Galecki, Miriam | The lasting effects of redlining: disparate impacts of Covid-19 in Salt Lake City | Access to the American Dream is always dependent, at least partially, on factors an individual cannot control such as race and the residence location and Socioeconomic Status (SES) of their parents/caregivers. Access is also dependent on government policy. Under the New Deal for example, the Home Lo... | COVID-19; redlining; new deal; HOLC; Salt Lake County; Utah; American dream; intergenerational wealth; poverty; SES; inequality; race | 2021 |
20 |
 | Hawkley, Jesse Dean | Metropolitan divergence segregation patterns in New York and Detroit | Segregation is usually defined in terms of limiting a certain ethnic group to a single area through discriminatory institutional practices like racially restrictive covenants or redlining. However, segregation is also affected by household decisions and demographic processes. Through the mid-twentie... | Residential segregation - Detroit; Residential segregation - New York | 2016-04 |
21 |
 | Erturk, Ali Cem | Minimum wage employment effects | In this study, the employment to population ratios and unemployment rates of 16- 19- and 20-24-year-olds are modelled as a function of the minimum wage. The federal minimum remains constant while the state minimum increases in some states from 2010- 2019. Such a research question is useful because s... | | 2023 |
22 |
 | Burns, Henrik | The political economy of international terms of trade and agricultural sustainability: the case of Cuba | For this thesis project I investigated the relationship between international terms of trade and agricultural sustainability for the case of Cuba. To understand the effect of trade relations on agricultural policy I explored Cuba's relationship with the Soviet Union, its largest trading partner betw... | Trade regulation - Cuba; Agriculture and state - Cuba; Cuba - Commerce | 2014-05 |
23 |
 | Le, Van | Social externalities of community college education | It has been repeatedly shown that increasing a person's level of education increases their income earning potential as well. This correlation is used to support recent tuition-subsidies for community college students that several states -such as Oregon and Tennessee -have begun to implement and t... | Municipal universities and colleges | 2016-04 |
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 | Keyser, Madison | Utah's nonprofits: effects on the economy and ties to gender employment inequality | | | 2018 |