Title | Alternative Title |
76 |
| Plate 76 | Sangre de Cristo Pass area, panoramic photograph |
77 |
| Plate 77 | Sangre de Cristo Pass area, panoramic photograph and sketches |
78 |
| Plate 78 | In Sangre de Cristo Pass, Aug. 11th, sketch |
79 |
| Plate 79 | Sangre de Cristo Pass area, panoramic photograph |
80 |
| Plate 80 | Sangre de Cristo Pass area, panorama of sketches |
81 |
| Plate 81 | Sangre de Cristo Pass area, composite of photograph and sketches |
82 |
| Plate 82 | Sangre de Cristo Pass, panorama of sketches |
83 |
| Plate 83 | Sangre de Cristo Pass, panoramic photograph |
84 |
| Plate 84 | Sangre de Cristo Pass, composite of panoramic photograph and sketches |
85 |
| Plate 85 | Sangre de Cristo Pass, looking toward San Luis Valley, Stanley lithograph from Kern sketch |
86 |
| Plate 86 | Sangre de Cristo Pass, looking from the summit down Gunnison's Creek: Stanley lithograph from Kern sketch |
87 |
| Plate 87 | Sangre de Cristo Pass, composite of panorama of sketches and two lithographs |
88 |
| Plate 88 | Sangre de Cristo Pass [untitled sketch] |
89 |
| Plate 89 | Sangre de Cristo Pass, photograph |
90 |
| Plate 90 | Sangre de Cristo Pass, composite of photograph and sketch |
91 |
| Plate 91 | St. Louis Valley, Williams Ranch, Sangre de Cristo Pass area, sketch |
92 |
| Plate 92 | San Luis Valley, Williams Ranch, Sangre de Cristo Pass area, photograph |
93 |
| Plate 93 | San Luis Valley, Williams Ranch, Sangre de Cristo Pass area, composite of photograph and sketch |
94 |
| Plate 94 | Main peaks of Sierra Blanca, sketch |
95 |
| Plate 95 | Main peaks of Sierra Blanca, photograph |
96 |
| Plate 96 | Main peaks of Sierra Blanca, composite of photograph and sketch |
97 |
| Plate 97 | Fort Massachusetts, at the foot of the Sierra Blanca; Valley of San Luis, Stanley lithograph from Kern sketch |
98 |
| Plate 98 | Fort Massachusetts and Main peaks of Sierra Blanca, composite of lithograph and sketch |
99 |
| Plate 99 | Panorama of sketches from near old Fort Valdez, August 20th |
100 |
| Plate 100 | Panoramic photograph, Sangre de Cristo Range from near site of Fort Valdez |