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1 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Ascertainment bias for non-twin relatives in twin proband studiesWhen families are ascertained through affected twins, as for example when twin probands are selected from a registry and their non-twin relatives studied, a correction for ascertainment bias is needed. It is shown that probandwise counting (where relatives of doubly ascertained twin pairs are counte...Genetic; Transmission; Models1982
2 Adler, Frederick R.Balance of terror: an alternative mechanism for competitive trade-offs and its implications for invading speciesThis article uses models to propose an explanation for three observations in community ecology: the apparent overreaction of prey to attack by specialist predators, the existence of a common trade-off among components of competitive ability in communities of unrelated competitors, and the ability of...Models; Curve; Native1999
3 Malloy, Thomas E.; Jensen, Gary C.Emergence of dynamic form through phase relations in dynamic systemsGregory Bateson construes mental process as the flow and transforms of differences in a system. Stuart Kauffman uses NK Boolean systems to model the emergence of order in biological evolution. Because the Boolean base (0, 1) maps to Bateson's idea of difference, we simulate Bateson's epistemology wi...Systems; Psychology; Models2005-10-24
4 Seger, JonIntraspecific resource competition as a cause of sympatric speciation[In most models of speciation], the fitness value of an animal is determined by the genotype it has, and the habitat in which it lives. In a more realistic model it should also depend on how much necessary resource is available for the animal and the competition from other genotypes for this resourc...Phenotype; Models; Species1985
5 Plutynski, AnyaModeling evolution in theory and practiceThis paper uses a number of examples of diverse types and functions of models in evolutionary biology to argue that the demarcation between theory and practice, or "theory model" and "data model." is often difficult to make. It is shown how both mathematical and laboratory models function as plausib...Models; Theory; Data; Evolutionary biology2001
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