176 - 200 of 194
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176 Bull, August JohnStudying Galois Representations Using Elliptic CurvesDiophantine equations and their solution sets are prominent subjects of study in number theory. These equations are often studied modulo prime numbers or prime ideals in field extensions. Galois Theory is well-suited to study field extensions, but Galois groups are often mysterious. To remedy this, ...2020
177 Watkins, Ryan DavisSuppression of lymphangiogenesis using VEGF-C trapThe lymphatic system is responsible for controlling systemic fluid buildup. Lymphangiogenesis is a dynamic process involving sprouting, and maintaining new lymphatic vasculature. Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) is as a key growth factor that induces lymphangiogenesis by binding VEGF re...Lymphatics - Growth; Vascular endothelial growth factors - Antagonists; Lymphangiogenesis; VEGF-C trap2014-05
178 Reece, Eric J.Synthesis and Characterization of Proton Conducting Silica Nano-Particles for use in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel CellsOne of the fastest growing fields in scientific research is alternative energy. This has led to an investigation into the various aspects of fuel cells and their components due to their highly efficient energy conversion and low CO2 emissions. The efficiency of fuel cells is highly dependent on the ...2019
179 Stevenson, KincadeSynthesis and mechanistic experiments of photoelectrocyclization reactions of pyridine containing BIS-ARYL cyclohexenonesElectrocyclization reactions are commonly found in synthetic chemistry as a means to access cyclic systems and to define stereocenters. Rules for electrocyclization were developed by Woodward and Hoffman, and these rules allow chemists to predict the stereochemical outcome of potential electrocycliz...2021
180 Cantrell, Rachel Lou-La VonneSynthesis of Antibiotic Scaffolds Inspired by the Tan 1057-D Biologically Active Natural Product Through the Utilization of Ullmann Copper(I) and Gold Cyclization ChemistryAs bacterial resistance to drugs continues to rise, the search for new antibiotics is of paramount importance. One key element to finding successful antibiotics is to uncover small molecules that act through novel mechanisms of action in order to decrease the risk of cross-resistance and provide ant...2020
181 Domagala, DrueSynthesis of protacs to inhibit toll-like receptorsThe immune system is the body's defense against pathogens. Since it has to be able to withstand the fast-evolving nature of microscopic invaders, the immune system has a variety of mechanisms to recognize and destroy them. One way that pathogens are recognized is through toll-like receptor (TLR) sig...2022
182 Randolph, CharlotteSynthesis of VLC-Pufas relating to macular degenerative diseasesVery Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (VLC-PUFAs) are non-dietary fatty acids that are more than 24 carbons long and include more than one double bond. The specific compound we have focused on is 32:6 n-3: a 32-carbon molecule having 6 cis alkenes with the alkenes beginning at the omega 3 carb...2022
183 Judd, David PaulTelomere proteins of Drosophila melanogaster: HipHop and MSK81DNA molecules encoding two proteins, HipHop and MSK81, were cloned into bacteria so as to make large amounts of these proteins that bind to telomeres of Drosophila (fruit fly) chromosomes. The goal was to determine whether known DNA binding motifs are present in HipHop and MSK81. Understanding how t...Biology2012-05
184 Roestenburg, JessicaTesting the Perceptual Salience of Spectral Content in Zebra Finch SongBirds actively adjust the resonance properties of the upper vocal tract during singing, which results in specific harmonic structures of song elements. To what degree upper vocal tract filtering is relevant for the perceptual salience of song is poorly understood. This research utilizes (1) a biolog...2018
185 Aderibigbe, JustisTrends in the usage of bidentate phosphines as ligands in nickel catalysis of hydrogenation reactionsA critically important process in catalysis is the formation of an active catalyst from the combination of a metal precursor and a ligand, as the efficacy of this reaction governs the amount of active catalyst. This review is a compacted but comprehensive review of reactions catalyzed by nickel and ...2021
186 Scott, IsabelleTropical analog to the log canonical thresholdIn algebraic geometry, the log canonical threshold is a property of singularities of planar curves. While singularities have multiplicities, the log canonical threshold can be a more telling invariant. It helps to classify curves beyond what the multiplicity indicates by examining how quickly the in...Geometry, Algebraic2013-04
187 Woodruff, DerekUncovering Synaptic Defects resulting from loss of the intellectual disability and autism-associated gene Kirrel3Neurodevelopmental disorders severely impact an individual's life. Surprisingly, the genetic and cellular cause of over half of intellectual disability cases and more than 80% of autism spectrum disorders remain undiscovered1,2. It is likely that mutations in molecules regulating synapse development...2017
188 Walker, KortnieUnderstanding and treating diabetic retinopathyDiabetic retinopathy is a neurovascular disease of the retina and is the leading cause of blindness in the working-age population in the United States. Complications as a result of hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus (DM) break down the blood-retina barrier (BRB) and retinal vasculature. Current tre...Diabetic retinopathy2015-05
189 Sageser, EmilyUnderstanding the radial distribution of dwarf satellite galaxies beyond the virial radiiDark matter has been theorized to exist for over 80 years based on astronomical observations but has yet to be found in terrestrial experiments. Named for its lack of interaction with the electromagnetic field, dark matter does not absorb, reflect, or emit electromagnetic radiation making it undetec...2023
190 Lee, ZacharyUsing Drosophila to investigate p53 life-or-death decisionsThe p53 tumor suppressor is a central regulator of cellular responses to DNA damage. When DNA damage cannot be repaired most cells undergo p53-dependent cell death. Thisp55-mediated apoptosis is important to eliminate cells with damaged genomes and provides an important block to the development of c...Biology2013-05
191 McDaniel, TylerUtah's Pathways to Higher Education: a Critical, Quantitative AnalysisThis work uses linear and nonlinear models in order to predict student success and pathways in higher education in the state of Utah. Postsecondary Grade Point Average is used as a metric for success in higher education. Pathways are identified using clustering analyses, which group observations a...Higher education and state - Utah; Higher education and state - United States; Low-income students - United States
192 Kelley, Logan T.Weighing Abell 2029: How Different Assumptions Change a Galaxy Cluster's MassAt a given mass, the amount of galaxy clusters within some volume greatly depends on certain cosmological parameters. Examples of such parameters are: how much total mass there is (nm), the equation of state parameter of dark energy (w), and the scale of fluctuations (o8). These quantities can be me...2020
193 Wilson, AlexisWest Antarctica as a Natural Laboratory for Cloud MicrophysicsClouds contribute to energy regulation in the global climate system. Remote and unaffected by local pollution sources, Antarctica offers a unique laboratory to study clouds and their influence on the surface energy budget. The study of these clouds is particularly interesting as global temperatures ...2017
194 Checketts, CynthiaWhy white mice? improving biological literacy through animal historyThroughout the undergraduate experience, biology students are introduced to hundreds of experiments, theories, and principles, many of which are rooted in animal experimentation. However, in required and information-heavy biology courses, the erasure of animals from the scientific story-which repres...2021
176 - 200 of 194