51 - 75 of 194
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51 Munn, JacksonDetermining microbial community composition and methane flux or red butte canyon sediment over timeMethane is a potent greenhouse gas that is released from the soil into the atmosphere, which contributes heavily to global warming. One potential way of reducing the amount of methane in the air is through studying methane consuming bacteria (methanotrophs) and how they interact with other microbes ...2022
52 Sanders, SaraDevelopment of a novel, coumarin-europium sensor for reactive oxidizing speciesThe synthetic framework has been developed for two fluorescent probes of Reactive Oxidizing Species (RoxS) based on a coumarin-europium fluorescence pair. The coumarin moiety's selectivity for hydrogen peroxide coupled with 620 nm shifted emission of the europium will make these novel sensors biolog...Reactive Oxygen Species - analysis2012-05
53 Lutz, KevinDiscovery of platinum (II) cocrystals with highly fluorinated cyanocarbonsThis thesis investigates new platinum(II) complex cocrystals with highly fluorinated cyanoaromatics. While π stacking compounds of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and cyanoaromatics have been reported, interactions with transition metal complexes have yet to be explored. Crystal structures for (pp...2023
54 Gardner, JennaThe Disparity Between Student Science Writing and Professional Sciencetific WritingThere exists a disparity between student scientific writing and professional scientific writing. The audience, format, and intention of student papers as presented in the science classroom is different from those in the scientific field where the goal is to fully convince an unfamiliar audience and ...2017
55 Chen, Jason J.Dissecting the genetic and learned components of oscine birdsongThe interplay of genetically encoded and learned components in the development of the learned vocal signals of birdsong and human speech in not fully understood (Forstmeier et al, 2009). The fact that song is a learned vocal behavior does not imply the lack of a genetic basis in acquiring vocalizati...Birdsongs -- Research; Songbirds -- Genetics -- Research; Zebra finch -- Research; Nature and nurture -- Research; birdsong; Taeniopygia guttata2015-12
56 Dart, EmilyDiversity and metabolic potential of microbial communities in a site of continental serpentinizationThe geochemical process of serpentinization releases energy and organic carbon: two of the basic requirements need ed to support life. Sites of active serpentinization in the deep subsurface provide the intriguing possibility of a non-photosynthetically -supported biosphere. However, serpentinizatio...Microbial ecology - Research; Serpentine - Environmental aspects; Gros Morne National Park (N.L.); Syntrophomonadaceae; Serpentinizaiton; Tabeland Ophiolite2016-05
57 Kent, AlexandraDNA split aptamers as a biosensing platform for the detection of small drug moleculesPrescription drug overdose and abuse is a leading cause of death in the United States. It is a serious issue and has become increasingly problematic as opioids are being prescribed with a higher frequency. For this reason, fast, accurate detection of small drug molecules is crucial. The current stan...Drug testing; Biosensors; DNA split aptamers
58 Kim, Bum JunDoes ceramide contribute to vascular dysfunction in mice with type 1 diabetes?Approximately 2 million individuals have type 1 diabetes (T1D) in the United States. Cardiovascular disease is 2-4-fold more prevalent in these patients but the mechanism(s) is unclear. Recently, we showed that the sphingolipid ceramide contributes to arterial dysfunction and hypertension in mice wi...Ceramide - Research; Type 1 Diabetes; Mice as laboratory animals2012-05
59 Verhaaren, MollyDouble-checking: a statistical analysis of twenty-first century U.S. election recountsElection recounts are an integral part of voting history in the United States. Initiated by the political jurisdiction or by the candidate, they have the power to overturn previously decided election results and have done so on more than one occasion. However, that power may not be worth its price a...2021
60 Kim, Alexander H.DPP Signal Regulation Through O-Linked GlycosylationDorsal closure in Drosophila is an embryogenic event that involves coordinated cellular shape changes. A series of interconnected signaling cascades are utilized to accomplish this task, one of which is the Decapentaplegic (Dpp) pathway. Dpp is a member of the TFG-β family of secreted cytokines, wh...2017
61 Ballif, MicahDrugs and Pregnancy: Clinical Management with a Cystic Fibrosis FocusDespite the large number of women who become pregnant and use a medication during their pregnancy, there is very little information about the safety of the majority of medications. Most drugs approved by the FDA have undetermined teratogenic risk, but their use is prevalent in the management of dise...2019
62 Zheng, KennethDyck Paths and Random TreesWe give an expository survey of random trees, focusing on the interplay between plane trees and Dyck paths. The material explained here summarizes what can be found in Aldous [1], Le Gall [10], and Drmota [6]. The bijection between plane trees and Dyck paths serves as motivation for the connection b...2017
63 Prestgard-Duke, MichaelDynamin localization in Caenorhabditis ElegansDynamin is a 100-KDa GTPase that is essential for endocytosis. The classic model of endocytosis is a sequential mechanism: first, cell membrane is bent and internalized via the formation of a clathrin coat; next, dynamin facilitates GTP hydrolysis, resulting in membrane scission as the newly formed ...Caenorhabditis elegans; Guanosine triphosphatase; Endocytosis2014-05
64 Curtis, Kaili BreannThe Effect of Inflammatory Components on Influenza a Virulence EvolutionThe methodology for passaging influenza A virus in the mouse model has widely been established. However, traditional infection methods involving the inoculation of lung homogenates fail to account for the possible effects of host-associated factors on measures of virulence and in the virulence evolu...2020
65 Azadpour, ElmeraThe Effect of Inorganic VS Organic Fertilizer on an Urban Lawn in Salt Lake City, UtahWhile lawn management practices have altered the capacity for urban lawns to act as Nitrogen (N) sinks, there have been few studies of the effects of organic vs. inorganic fertilizer additions to urban lawns. We evaluated how foliar and soil N content and isotopic N composition (δ15N) varied as a r...2019
66 Kasera, ShaliniEffect of IUGR and supplemental DHA on molecular mediators of hepatic lipid accumulation in the ratIntrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) refers to failure of the fetus to achieve its genetic growth potential in utero and is commonly caused by uteroplacental insufficiency secondary to maternal hypertensive disorders. A hallmark of IUGR is a decrease in circulating docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an �...2022
67 Effects of Acute Hypoxia and High pCO2 on Total Protein Content and Metabolic Enzyme Activity in Rockfishes (Sebastes SPP.)Climate change is altering ocean chemistry and wind-driven upwelling regimes. In the California Current System (CCS), these changes are exposing nearshore fishes to increasing levels of high pCO2 and hypoxia. These stressors co-occur during upwelling events, lasting hours to days, and both have the ...2019
68 Smith, SarahEffects of Mitochondrial Mobility on Astrocyte FunctionWithin the brain, astrocytes provide support and influence the excitability of neurons by regulating the extracellular levels of potassium (K+) and glutamate. These glial cells play a vital role in neural homeostasis by regulating the concentration of neurotransmitters at the synapse, therefore modu...2018
69 Lebrecht, MarandaEffects of ventilatory regimens on the prevalence of a common gastrointestinal disease in neonatesNecrotizing Enterocolitis, or NEC, is a common intestinal disease of preterm neonates. It is believed that bacterial colonization increases the risk of NEC. This study examines whether the type of ventilation of the neonate, either mechanical ventilation (MV) or non-invasive support (NIS), and the ...Enterocolitis, Neonatal necrotizing - Research; Newborn infants - Diseases; Sheep as laboratory animals - Research; Necrotizing enterocolitis; Lymphocytes2016-05
70 Muehlman, JayantiEffects of Wind-Generated Underwater Noise on Southern right Whale Group DynamicThe goal of this study was to investigate whether underwater noise affects the grouping behavior of southern right-whale (Eubalaena australis) mother-calf pairs at Península Valdés, Argentina. This area is a major calving ground for the population that occupies the western South Atlantic. Two larg...2020
71 Bischoff, AmandaElucidating the Mechanism and Predicting the Selectivity of the bis(Pyridine) Silver Permanganate OxidatiinThe Movassaghi group has recently reported several total syntheses of epipolythiodiketopiperazine derivatives (ETPs), a class of natural products with potent biological activity. A crucial step in their synthesis oxidizes two to four tertiary C-H bonds to form tertiary alcohols using (bis)pyridine s...2016
72 Mercer, MarianneEstablishing a System for Structure-Function analysis of the Novel Role that NUP153 Plays in Nuclear AssemblyIn mitosis, equal partitioning of DNA between daughter cells requires an integrated series of events. At the start of anaphase the chromatin separates and forms two chromatin discs. This chromatin is then targeted by nuclear membrane proteins and membrane to form the nuclear envelope. These membrane...2018
73 Cocke, Rebecca C.Evaluating the Catalytic Activity of Iron and Nickel Impurities in Bare High-Pressure High-Temperature NanodiamondMany metal nanoparticles are used as catalysts for various reactions and are held on supports. High-Pressure High-Temperature nanodiamonds (HPHT ND) are able to support metal nanoparticles even under strenuous chemical environments due to their robust nature. The production of HPHT ND includes the u...2018
74 Fernandez, FlorenceEvaluation of environmental education in high school science courses across Salt Lake City, UtahWhile the effects of pollution become Incredibly more evident in the air of the Salt Lake Valley, many Utah high school students still lack the knowledge and information necessary to take preventative and immediate actions to protect their health and their environment. In this study, the reasons for...Environmental education -- Utah -- Salt Lake City; Science -- Study and teaching -- Utah -- Salt Lake City; Air -- Pollution -- Utah -- Salt Lake City2015-05
75 Fan, HuijunExamination of Y-Deterium isotope effects for the solvolysis of model isoprenoid compoundsModel isoprenoid compounds can undergo two distinct pathways, dissociative or associative nucleophilic substitution depending on the conditions used. The dissociative pathway consists of two steps, involving a carbocation intermediate where the formation of that carbocation is rate determining. The ...Isopentenoids; Solvolysis; Deuterium - Isotopes2012-05
51 - 75 of 194