76 - 100 of 927
Number of results to display per page
76 Calibration of SQUID magnetometer for dilute alloy studies1979Textir_uspace
77 Can WIMP spin dependent couplings explain DAMA data, in light of null results from other experiments?2004-12Textir_uspace
78 CCD testing and characterization for dark energy survey2006Textir_uspace
79 Chaos in long Josephson junctions without external rf driving force1990-09Textir_uspace
80 Characteristics of YBaCuO magnetic shields1991-03Textir_uspace
81 Characterization of one-dimensional Luttinger liquids in terms of fractional exclusion statistics2001-06Textir_uspace
82 Characterization of unicompositional GaInP2 ordering heterostructures grown by variation of V/III ratio1997Textir_uspace
83 Charge response function and a novel plasmon mode in graphene2008-04Textir_uspace
84 Charmed-meson decay constants in three-flavor lattice QCD2005-09Textir_uspace
85 Chiral bosonization and local Lorentz-invariant actions for chiral bosons1988-06Textir_uspace
86 Chiral logs with staggered fermions2003-05Textir_uspace
87 Classification of disorder and extrinsic order in polymers by resonant Raman scattering1985-01Textir_uspace
88 Clumpy neutralino dark matter1999-01Textir_uspace
89 Coherent phonon generation and detection by picosecond light pulses1984-09Textir_uspace
90 Coherent random lasing: trapping of light by the disorder2004Textir_uspace
91 Coherent umklapp scattering of light from disordered photonic crystals2001-05Textir_uspace
92 Commensurability and defect-induced phason gaps in incommensurate systems1985Textir_uspace
93 Comment on "Frequency response and origin of the spin-½ photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance in a ∏-conjugated polymer2007-06Textir_uspace
94 Comment on "Ground-state properties of a spin-1 antiferromagnetic chain1985-04Textir_uspace
95 Comment on "Large optical nonlinearity of semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes under resonant excitations"2006Textir_uspace
96 Comment on "Yield of singlet excitons in organic light-emitting devices: a double modulation photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance study"2006Textir_uspace
97 Comment on pressure dependence of wall relaxation in polarized 3He gaseous cells2012-01-01Textir_uspace
98 Comment on: New limit on lorentz-invariance- and CPT-violating neutron spin interactions using a free-spin-precession 3He- 129Xe comagnetometer2014-01-01Textir_uspace
99 Comparison of air fluorescence and ionization measurements of E.M. shower depth profiles: test of a UHECR detector technique2006-02Textir_uspace
100 Compatibility of DAMA dark matter detection with other searches2005-06Textir_uspace
76 - 100 of 927