276 - 300 of 927
Number of results to display per page
276 First signs for string breaking in two-flavor QCD2000-04Textir_uspace
277 Floating of the modulation wave and phase pinning in incommensurate Rb2ZnBr41983Textir_uspace
278 Fluctuations of radiation from a chaotic laser below threshold2004-03Textir_uspace
279 Fluid interpretation of Cardassian expansion2003-09Textir_uspace
280 Fluorescence near-field microscopy of DNA at Sub-10A nm resolution2006-12Textir_uspace
281 Formation of AlCuFe quasicrystalline thin films by solid state diffusion1994Textir_uspace
282 Fractional statistics and fractional quantized Hall effect1985-05Textir_uspace
283 Frequency dependence of the photonic noise spectrum in an absorbing or amplifying diffusive medium2001-01Textir_uspace
284 Frequency modulation method for performing adiabatic demagnetization in the rotating reference frame1970Textir_uspace
285 Frequency up-conversion as a temperature probe of organic opto-electronic devices2002Textir_uspace
286 Full counting statistics of a charge pump in the Coulomb blockade regime2001-11Textir_uspace
287 Gallium and thallium NMR study of phase transitions and incomemensurability in the layered semiconductor TlGaSe22004Textir_uspace
288 Gamma-ray emission by the BL Lac Markarian 5012010-03-15Text; Imageir_uspace
289 Gamma-ray summary report2001Textir_uspace
290 Gapless surfaces in anisotropic superfluids2006-11Textir_uspace
291 Gas-phase spin relaxation of 129Xe2008-10Textir_uspace
292 Gauge invariance of fractionally charged quasiparticles and hidden topological Zn symmetry1991-02Textir_uspace
293 General theorem relating the bulk topological number to edge states in two-dimensional insulators2006-07Textir_uspace
294 General theory for quantum statistics in two dimensions1984-06Textir_uspace
295 Generation of spin current by Coulomb drag2006-12Textir_uspace
296 Ground state of interacting spins1963-04Textir_uspace
297 Ground state of the Kondo model1985-06Textir_uspace
298 Ground states and thermal states of the random field Ising model2005-09Textir_uspace
299 Ground-state degeneracy in the Levin-Wen model for topological phases2012-01-01Textir_uspace
300 Ground-state energy of Heisenberg antiferromagnet for spins s=1/2 and s=1 in d=1 and 2 dimensions1988-07Textir_uspace
276 - 300 of 927