Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Ailion, David Charles | 109Ag NMR investigation of atomic motions in the incommensurate and paraelectric phases of proustite (Ag3AsS3) | 109Ag NMR line shape, T1 , Hahn spin echo, and Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill ~CPMG! spin-echo measurements were performed in proustite (Ag3AsS3) between 420 and 47 K in order to understand the role of atomic motions in phase transitions in a system containing an incommensurate phase. These measurements ... | NMR; Atomic motion; Proustitie; Phase transitions; Line shape | 2000 |
2 |
 | Ailion, David Charles | 14N study of the role of N-D---O bonds in the deuteron glass transition | 14N spin-lattice relaxation-time measurements in Rb0.28(ND4)0.72D2PO4 provide direct evidence for the fast exchange averaging of the "long" and "short" N-D---O hydrogen bonds between the ND4 group and the four surrounding PO4 groups. This exchange and the associated distortion of the ND4 tetrahedron... | NMR; Hydrogen bonds; Spin-lattice; Relaxation-time; Deuteron glass | 1999 |
3 |
 | Ailion, David Charles | 31P NMR spin-lattice relaxation: structural glass dynamics in Rb1-x(ND4)xD2PO4 | We performed 3 1P NMR measurements of the temperature-dependent spin-lattice relaxation time in several mixed single crystals of Rbi_x(ND4 ) xD2P04 [DRADP] having different ammonium concentration x (x =0.22, 0.44, 0.78) as well as in three pure single crystals (ND4)D2P04 [DADP], (NH4)H2P04 [ADP], an... | NMR; Spin-lattice; Relaxation; Crystals; Glass; Spin-glass | 1993 |
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 | Ailion, David Charles; Blinc, Robert | 35Cl spin-lattice relaxation in incommensurate bis(4-chlorophenyl)sulfone | The 35C1 nuclear-quadrupole-resonance (NQR) spin-lattice relaxation rate in incommensurate bis(4- chlorophenyl)sulfone (BCPS) is determined by Raman processes below 60 K and by direct one-phonon processes above 60 K. The variation of the 35C1 spin-lattice relaxation rate over the incommensurate NQR... | 35Cl; Incommensurate bis(4-chlorophenyl)sulfone; Raman processes; NQR; Incommensurate systems | 1995-01 |
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 | Saam, Brian | 3He spin exchange cells for magnetic resonance imaging | We present a protocol for the consistent fabrication of glass cells to provide hyperpolarized (HP) 3He for pulmonary magnetic resonance imaging. The method for producing HP 3He is spin-exchange optical pumping. The valved cells must hold of order 1 atm.L of gas at up to 15 atm pressure. Because char... | 3He; Spin exchange cells; Hyperpolarized 3He; Pulmonary magnetic resonance imaging; Spin-exchange optical pumping; SEOP; Glass cells | 2002 |
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 | Ailion, David Charles | 79Br nuclear-quadrupole-resonance lineshape and Raman-induced spin-lattice relaxation in the incommensurate phase of β- ThBr4 | We performed 7 9Br nuclear-quadrupole-resonance (NQR) line-shape and spin-lattice relaxation time measurements in the incommensurate (D system j8-ThBr4 over the temperature range 293-2.5 K. In addition, we extended the theory of the effects of Raman processes on amplitudon and phason spin-lattice re... | Spin-lattice; NQR; Raman process; Line shape; Phason gap; Incommensurate systems | 1989 |
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 | Ailion, David Charles | 93Nb NMR in the imcommensurate and quasi-commensurate phases of barium sodium niobate | NMR spectra have been measured for the quadrupole perturbed 1/2 -1/2 transition of 9 3Nb in barium sodium niobate (BSN) between 300 and 650 K. The spectra are inhomogeneously broadened in the incommensurate (/) phase between T7 = 580 K and r c = 540 K as well as in the quasicommensurate (QC) phase ... | NMR; Spectra; Barium sodium niobate; Line shapes | 1994 |
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 | Mattis, Daniel C. | A contribution to the many-fermion problem | In this work we reexamine the many-fermion problem in arbitrary dimensions. It is shown that in two dimensions or higher, the Hamiltonian of interacting fermions can be separated into individual nonintersecting sectors labeled by the wave-vector q. Within each sector the Hamiltonian maps onto a gene... | | 2012-01-01 |
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 | Gondolo, Paolo | Aberration features in directional dark matter detection | The motion of the Earth around the Sun causes an annual change in the mag-nitude and direction of the arrival velocity of dark matter particles on Earth, in a way analogous to aberration of stellar light. In directional detectors, aberration of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) modulates ... | | 2012-01-01 |
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 | Wu, Yong-Shi | Absence of (1,0) supersymmetry anomaly in world-sheet gauge theories: a purely cohomological proof | A purely cohomological proof is given for the absence of the (1,0) supersymmetry anomaly in gauge theories on a world sheet. In particular, it is shown that generalized cohomological approaches to anomalies in supersymmetric gauge theory, either formulated in whole superconnection space or only in t... | World sheet; String theory; Superfields; Superspace | 1989-01 |
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 | Symko, Orest George | Absorption at radio frequencies in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3Oy | The large magnetic-field-dependent ac absorption in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3Oy ceramics and powders decreases slowly with increasing frequency in the range 2-16 MHz. The magnetic-field-dependent ac absorption is observed below Tc in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3Oy ceramics, powders and twinned crystals ... | Copper-octahedral oxygen perovskites; Superconducting Y1Ba 2Cu3Oy; ac absorption | 1989 |
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 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine | Absorption studies of charged excitations in α-sexithiophene | We present photoexcitation studies of vacuum deposited neutral films of α,ω-substituted sexithiophene (α-6T) using photoinduced absorption (PA) and PAdetected magnetic resonance spectroscopy (PADMR). We find evidence for photoinduced polarons having spin 1/2, with two absorption bands at 0.80... | alpha- sexithiophene; Charged excitations; Photoexcitation; Photoinduced absorption | 1996 |
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 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine | Absorption-detected magnetic-resonance studies of photoexcitations in conjugated-polymer/C60 composites | Photoexcitations in poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy -p-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) and composites of MEH-PPV and C60 (MEH-PPV/C60) were studied by photoinduced absorption and absorptiondetected magnetic-resonance spectroscopies. We report direct evidence that the prominent triplet photoexci... | Photoexcitations; Conjugated-polymer/C60 composites; Triplet photoexcitations | 1996-02 |
14 |
 | Mattis, Daniel C. | Accuracy of bosonization for localized interactions | Bosonization is commonly used to calculate the ground-state energy and the dynamics of simple model nonmagnetic impurities in metals. We analyze the accuracy of this procedure in the calculation of the ground-state energy of a simple, solvable, model. | Fermions; Electrons; Magnetic | 2000 |
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 | Symko, Orest George | Acoustic approach to thermal management: miniature thermoacoustic engines | An acoustic approach to thermal management in electronics can be efficient and it can be directly interfaced with electronic devices. It is based on two types of thermoacoustic heat engines, which are being developed for microcircuit applications. One type of device, the prime mover, converts heat t... | Thermoacoustic engines; Thermal management | 2006 |
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 | Symko, Orest George | Adiabatic compressional cooling of He3 | By adiabatic compression of a two-phase mixture of liquid and solid He3, temperatures below 2.5 mK have been obtained. These are in the range expected for nuclear ordering in solid He3. | He3; Adiabatic compressional cooling | 1969-03 |
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 | Rogachev, Andrey | Admittance spectroscopy study of polymer diodes in small magnetic fields | We performed a systematic study of bipolar and unipolar organic diodes based on the p-conjugated polymer, 2-methoxy-5-(20-ethylhexyloxy) (MEH-PPV), using electronic and magneto-transport measurements with magnetic field in the range 0-180mT and admittance spectroscopy in the frequency range 1 Hz<f<1... | | 2012-01-01 |
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 | Williams, Clayton C. | Advances in experimental technique for quantitative two dimensional dopant profiling by scanning capacitance microscopy | Several advances have been made toward the achievement of quantitative two-dimensional dopant and carrier profiling. To improve the dielectric and charge properties of the oxide-silicon interface, a method of low temperature heat treatment has been developed which produces an insulating layer with c... | Doping; Scanning capacitance microscope; SCM | 1999 |
19 |
 | Gondolo, Paolo | AGAPE, a microlensing search in the direction of M31: status report | The M31 galaxy in Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy after the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. It is a giant galaxy, roughly 2 times as large as our Milky Way, and has its own halo. As pointed by some of us [1, 2] and independantly by A. Crotts [3], M31 provides a rich field of stars to searc... | AGAPE; Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Experiment; Microlensing; MACHO; Massive compact halo objects | 1995 |
20 |
 | Gondolo, Paolo | AGAPE: a search for dark matter in M31 by microlensing effects on unresolved stars | M 31 is a very tempting target for a microlensing search of compact objects in galactic haloes. It is the nearest large galaxy, it probably has its own dark halo, and its tilted position with respect to the line of sight provides an unmistakable signature of microlensing. However most stars of M 31... | M31; AGAPE; Pixel method; Galaxy; Halo; Cosmology; Gravitational lensing | 1997 |
21 |
 | Gondolo, Paolo | AGAPE: andromeda gravitational amplification pixel experiment | The aim of the AGAPE (Andromeda Gravitational Ampli_x000C_cation Pixel Experiment), experiment which has been _x000C_rst proposed in June 1992 is to examine the distribution of massive astrophysical compact halo objects ((MACHO's) which possibly are in the galactic haloes and which could account for... | AGAPE; Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Experiment; Microlensing; MACHO; Massive compact halo objects | 1997 |
22 |
 | Gondolo, Paolo | AGAPEROS: searching for microlensing in the LMC with the pixel method. I. Data treatment and pixel light curves production | Recent surveys monitoring millions of light curves of resolved stars in the LMC have discovered several microlensing events. Unresolved stars could however signi _x000C_cantly contribute to the microlensing rate towards the LMC. Monitoring pixels, as opposed to individual stars, should be able to ... | Data analysis techniques; Halo; Galaxies; Gravitational lensing; Pixel method; Large Magellanic Cloud; LMC | 1999 |
23 |
 | Gondolo, Paolo | AgapeZ1: a large amplification microlensing event or an odd variable star towards the inner bulge of M31 | AgapeZ1 is the brightest and the shortest duration microlensing candidate event found to date in the Agape experiment. It occurred only 4200 from the centre of M31 at RA = 0h42m41:47s and Dec = 41°16'39.1" (J2000). Our photometry shows that the half intensity duration of the event is 5.3 days and ... | AgapeZ1; Galaxy; Halo; Cosmology; Gravitational lensing; M31; Pixel method | 1999 |
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 | Lupton, John Mark | Air-induced fluorescence bursts from single semiconductor nanocrystals | We observe a dramatic enhancement of the fluorescence intensity from single core/shell CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals upon sudden exposure to air from an evacuated surrounding. Both the number of particles contributing to emission increases as well as the average emission intensity from a single particle, le... | CdSe; ZnS; Air-induced; Fluorescence bursts | 2004 |
25 |
 | Wu, Yong-Shi | Algebraic and geometric aspects of generalized quantum dynamics | We briefly discuss some algebraic and geometric aspects of the generalized Poisson bracket and noncommutative phase space for generalized quantum dynamics, which are analogous to properties of the classical Poisson bracket and ordinary symplectic structure. | Quantum dynamics; Jacobi identity | 1994-06 |