376 - 400 of 957
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376 Bruderlin, BeatGDI reference manualGDI is a dialog interface tool library for C + + applications. It facilitates the design and implementation of graphical, object-oriented user interfaces for workstations equipped with a graphical display, a mouse and a keyboard. GDI's design allows for its portability onto a multitude of platforms....GDI; Dialog interface tool library1992
377 Humphrey, Alan Parker; Derrick, Christopher Glade; Gopalakrishnan, GaneshGEM: graphical explorer for MPI programsFormal dynamic verification can complement MPI program testing by detecting hard-to-find concurrency bugs. In previous work, we described our dynamic verifier called ISP that can parsimoniously search the execution space of an MPI program while detecting important classes of bugs. One major limit...GEM; Graphical explorer; MPI programs; Dynamic verification; Concurrency bugs2009
378 Cotter, Neil E.Generality Vs. speed of convergence in the cart-pole balancerThis paper compares the speed of convergence to an optimal solution of four controllers for the problem of balancing a pole on a cart. We demonstrate that controllers whose design is tailored specifically to the cart-pole problem (i.e. less general) converge more rapidly to an optimal solution. How...Cart-pole balancer; Generality; Speed of convergence1991
379 Pascucci, ValerioGeneralized topological simplification of scalar fields on surfacesWe present a combinatorial algorithm for the general topological simplification of scalar fields on surfaces. Given a scalar field f, our algorithm generates a simplified field g that provably admits only critical points from a constrained subset of the singularities of f, while guaranteeing a small...2012-01-01
380 Wald, Ingo; Shirley, Peter S.Geometric and arithmetic culling methods for entire ray packetsRecent interactive ray tracing performance has been mainly derived from the use of ray packets. Larger ray packets allow for significant amortization of both computations and memory accesses; however, the majority of primitives are still intersected by each ray in a packet. This paper discusses ...Ray tracing; Interval arithmetic; Ray packets; Frustum culling2006-08-16
381 Thompson, William B.Geometric reasoning for map-based localizationAn essential aspect of map-based navigation is the determination of an agent's current location based on sensed data from the environment. Formally, this amounts to specifying the current viewpoint in some world model coordinate system. This localization process has two distinct components: one invo...Map-based localization; Map-based navigation; Geometric reasoning1996
382 Tasdizen, Tolga; Whitaker, Ross T.Geometric surface processing via normal mapsThe generalization of signal and image processing to surfaces entails filtering the normals of the surface, rather than filtering the positions of points on a mesh. Using a variational framework, smooth surfaces minimize the norm of the derivative of the surface normals? i.e. total curvature. Pen...Geometric surface processing; Surface models2002-01-17
383 Cates, Joshua E.; Lefohn, Aaron; Whitaker, Ross T.GIST: an interactive, GPU-based level set segmentation tool for 3D medical imagesWhile level sets have demonstrated a great potential for 3D medical image segmentation, their usefulness has been limited by two problems. First, 3D level sets are relatively slow to compute. Second, their formulation usually entails several free parameters which can be very difficult to correctl...GIST; 3D medical images; Segmentation tool; Image segmentation2004-02-27
384 Smits, BrianGlobal illumination test scenesThe global illumination community has discussed having a database of scenes that could be used to compare and validate different global illumination algorithms. We present a set of test scenes for global illumination algorithms and propose that they be the beginning of such a database. These scenes ...Global illumination2000
385 Mecklenburg, RobertGORP: An object-oriented design for genomic objects, relationships and processesThe Eccles Institute for Human Genetics (EIHG) has developed a genomic database based on a novel level of abstraction. Objects, relationships, and processes are explicitly represented in an object model. This model has been implemented in a traditional relational database management system. Transla...Eccles Institute for Human Genetics; EIHG; GORP; Genomic databases; Object model1996
386 Kirby, Robert MichaelGPU-based volume visualization from high-order finite element fieldsThis paper describes a new volume rendering system for spectral/hp finite-element methods that has as its goal to be both accurate and interactive. Even though high-order finite element methods are commonly used by scientists and engineers, there are few visualization methods designed to display thi...2014-01-01
387 Hansen, Charles D.GPUFLIC: interactive and accurate dense visualization of unsteady flowsAbstract The paper presents an efficient and accurate implementation of Unsteady Flow LIC (UFLIC) on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). We obtain the same, high quality texture representation of unsteady two-dimensional flows as the original, time-consuming method but leverage the features of today...2006
388 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: December 1971Semi-Annual Technical Report for period 1 June 1971 to 31 December 1971. This document includes a summary of research activities and facilities at the University of Utah under Contract F30602-70-C-0300. Information conveys important research milestones attained during this period by each of the f...Man/machine communications; Computing systems; Digital waveform processing1971-12
389 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: December 1972The object of the graphical man/machine communication effort is the development of computers and computing techniques the people may use interactively in real time to extend their problem-solving capability, and to work cooperatively by means of improved communications via computer. This report summ...Waveform processing; Symbolic computation; Man/machine communications1972-12
390 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: February 1968Technical report No. RADC - TR - 68 - 90 for the period ending 30 November, 1967. Two classes of research activities are being conducted. One is research in information processsing system technology. The other is researach in application of interactive computing technology to the solution of severa...Fluid flow problems1968-02
391 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: June 1971Semi-Annual Technical Report for period 1 January 1971 to 31 May 1971. This document includes a summary of research activities and facilities at the University of Utah under Contract F30602-70-C-0300. Information conveys important research milestones attained during this period by each of the fo...Curved surfaces; Digital waveform processing1971
392 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: June 19721972-06
393 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: May 1967Semiannual technical report for period ending 15 May, 1967.1967-05
394 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: May 1969Semi-Annual Technical Report 1 December 1968 - 30 May 19691969-05
395 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: May 1971Final technical report 1 December 1969 to 30 June 1970.1971-05
396 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: November 1966Semiannual progress report for period ending 30 November, 1966.1966-11
397 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: November 1968Semi-Annual Technical Report 1 June - 30 November 19681968
398 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: November 1969Semi-Annual Technical Report 1 June 1969 - 30 November 19691969-11
399 Hansen, Charles D.Graphics applications for grid computingThe first article, "Enabling View-Dependent Progressive Volume Visualization on the Grid" by Alan Norton and Alyn Rockwood describes and evaluates the communication in a progressive, visibility-driven compression scheme for distributing volumetric data from grid resources to volume-rendering clien...Grid computing2003-03
400 Johnson, Christopher R.Grid-enabling problem solving environments: a case study of SCIRun and NetSolveCombining the functionality of NetSolve, a grid-based middleware solution, with SCIRun, a graphically-based problem solving environment (PSE), yields a platform for creating and executing grid-enabled applications. Using this integrated system, hardware and/or software resources not previously ac...Grid computing; SCIRun; NetSolve; Problem solving environment; Numerical libraries; Parallel programming (Computer science)2001
376 - 400 of 957