151 - 175 of 192
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151 Quasi-linear approximation in 3-D electromagnetic modeling1996-01-01Textir_uspace
152 Quasi-linear series in three-dimensional electromagnetic modeling1997-01-01Textir_uspace
153 Radiometric dating and tuff mineralogy of omo group deposits1976Textir_uspace
154 Refining geoanalytical data with inverse theory2019Textir_etd
155 Regional heat-flow variations across the sedimented Juan de Fuca Ridge eastern flank: constraints on lithospheric cooling and lateral hydrothermal heat transport1999Textir_uspace
156 Reply to comment by T.J. Osborn and K. R. Briffa on "Mid-Latitude (30?-60?N) climatic warming inferred by combining borehole temperatures with surface air temperatures"2002Textir_uspace
157 Report to Joint Smoke Abatement Committee on the feasibility of a pilot plant for treating coal by the Karrick process1932Textir_uspace
158 Resistivity imaging by time domain electromagnetic migration (TDEMM)1995Textir_uspace
159 Resistivity/porosity/velocity relationships from downhole logs: an aid for evaluating pore morphology1993Textir_uspace
160 Results of borehole televiewer observations in the Celebes and Sulu Seas1991Textir_uspace
161 Rigorous 3D inversion of marine CSEM data based on the integral equation method2007Textir_uspace
162 Role of boundary and initial conditions for dynamical seasonal predictability2002Textir_uspace
163 Scientific methods: an online book2001Textir_uspace
164 Sedimentary response to paleoclimate from downhole logs at Site 693, Antarctic Continental Margin1990Textir_uspace
165 Sedimentology and downhole log analysis of Site 820, central Great Barrier Reef outer shelf: the factors controlling Pleistocene progradational and aggradational seismic geometry1993Textir_uspace
166 Seismic stratigraphy and history of deep circulation and sediment drift development in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea1989Textir_uspace
167 Snow and the ground temperature record of climate change2002Textir_uspace
168 Some early pleistocene deposits of the lower Omo valley: the Usno formation1969Textir_uspace
169 Statistical comparison of fluvial channel belt clustering and architectural metrics, cretaceous John Henry member, straight cliffs Formation, Utah, United States of America2018Textir_etd
170 Stop-go temperature logging for precision applications2007Textir_uspace
171 Stratigraphic, structural, and biologic controls on iron oxide diagenesis of the cretaceous baseline sandstone, Southern Nevada2022Textir_etd
172 Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the tidwell member, upper jurassic morrison formation, East-Central Utah2003Textir_etd
173 Structural evolution of the Uinta Mountains, Utah, and their interaction with the Utah-Wyoming salient of the sevier overthrust belt1988Textir_etd
174 Techniques, analysis, and noise in a Salt Lake Valley 4D gravity experiment2008Textir_uspace
175 Thermal analysis of the southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming1996-11Textir_uspace
151 - 175 of 192