1 - 25 of 187
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1 3-D magnetic inversion with data compression and image focusing2002-01-01Textir_uspace
2 3D analysis of particulates in mineral processing systems by cone beam X-ray microtomography2003Textir_uspace
3 3D inversion of airborne electromagnetic data2012-01-01Textir_uspace
4 A Kinetic Study of the Leaching of Chalcopyrite at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures1972Textir_etd
5 A new cone beam X-ray microtomography facility for 3D analysis of multiphase materials2001-01-01Textir_uspace
6 A plumb pneumatic jig experiment1917Textir_etd
7 A reappraisal of the geomagnetic polarity time scale to 4 MA using data from the turkana basin, East Africa2012Textir_uspace
8 A reconnaissance if the promontory point Mining District, Utah1924Textir_etd
9 A stratospheric connection to Atlantic climate variability2012-01-01Textir_uspace
10 A summary of the geology, geochemistry, and geophysics of the Roosevelt Hot Springs thermal area, Utah1978Textir_uspace
11 Adsorption mechanisms in nonmetallic activation systems1970Textir_uspace
12 Advancements in colloid filtration theory: how pore-scale physiochemical heterogeneity affects parthogen and engineered nanoparticle transport2019Textir_etd
13 Agglomeration and magnetic deinking for office paper2000Textir_uspace
14 Air bubble and oil droplet interactions in centrifugal fields during air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation2007Textir_uspace
15 Air sparged hydrocyclone for fine coal flotation1988Textir_uspace
16 Air, ground, and groundwater recharge temperatures in an alpine setting, Brighton Basin, Utah2012-01-01Textir_uspace
17 Allaying of coal dust by water infusion of coal in place in the leading coal producing countries of the world1955-05Textir_etd
18 Alteration and trace elements of volcanics in the San Francisco Mountains1964-06Text; Imageir_etd
19 Alternate ecological State shifts during the Triassic-Jurassic transition: observations from the Pucara group, Peru2020Textir_etd
20 An evaluation of the effect of blast-generated fragment size distribution on the unit costs of a mining operation, using modeling and simulation techniques2015-05Textir_etd
21 An individual migration story: comparing strontium isotope analysis in enamel, ivory, and food sources from a single modern elephantTextir_uw
22 The application of differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar to identify, measure, and analyze subsidence above underground coal mines in Utah2010-12Textir_etd
23 Application of genetic algorithms to determine the best combination of main and booster fans2014-12Textir_etd
24 Application of subspace methods to detect and characterize coal mine related seismicity in the Western United States2015Textir_etd
25 Application of synthetic aperture radar interferometry for mine subsidence monitoring in the Western United States2016Textir_etd
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