501 - 525 of 1,054
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501 Igneous concentration of oxidized ores of zinc1916-05Textir_etd
502 The Igneous Rocks of Utah1912Textir_etd
503 Image focusing and data compression in the solution of geophysical inverse problems1999-06-06Textir_etd
504 Imaging the fault ruptures of the Great 2012 Indian Ocean intraplate earthquakes from back-projection of teleseismic p-waves2013-12Textir_etd
505 Imaging the mantle structure of the earth and moon from array based observations2016Textir_etd
506 Impact of a lake breeze on summer ozone concentration in the Salt Lake Valley2016Textir_etd
507 The impact of aerosols on convective clouds: a global perspective2013-05Textir_etd
508 Impact of ice crystal habit on the parameterization of cloud microphysical properties when using 94GHZ polarimetric scanning cloud radar during stormvex2013-08Textir_etd
509 Impact of mesostructure on functional properties of granular diamond composites2013-05Textir_etd
510 Impact spectra in grinding mills2007-12Textir_etd
511 Impacts of varying model physics on simulated structures in Cloud Systems2018Textir_etd
512 Implications of thrust and detachment faulting for the structural geology of the Thermo Hot Springs Known Geothermal Resource Area, Beaver County, Utah2012-12Textir_etd
513 Importance of bitumen viscosity in the hot-water processing of domestic tar sands1983Textir_uspace
514 Improving hurricane vortex initialization and prediction through inner-core data assimilation with ensemble-variational hybrid Methods2017Textir_etd
515 Improving the representation of turbulence and clouds in cloud resolving models and general circulation models2013-12Textir_etd
516 In situ characterization of texture and fracture anisotropy in fine grained sedimentary rocks2018Textir_etd
517 Induced polarization effect in land and marine CSEM data: applications for hydrocarbon exploration2009-08-27Textir_etd
518 Induced polarization effect in time domain: theory, modeling, and applications2011-12Textir_etd
519 Influence of Nano-Scale interactions on fifld-scale transport of virus- to protozoa-sized colloids: experiments in environment ally equilibrated weltand media2019Textir_etd
520 Influence of surfactants on interaction forces between polyethylene surfaces in a hydrocarbon solvent2003Textir_uspace
521 Influences of orography and coastal geometry on lake- and sea-effect snowstorms2017Textir_etd
522 Infrared spectroscopy for in-situ characterization of surface reactions1989Textir_uspace
523 Infrasound signal characteristics of small earthquakes2013-08Textir_etd
524 Integral electric current method in 3-D electromagnetic modeling for large conductivity contrast2007-05Textir_uspace
525 Integral equation method for 3D modeling of electromagnetic fields in complex structures with inhomogeneous background conductivity2006Textir_uspace
501 - 525 of 1,054