51 - 75 of 542
Number of results to display per page
51 Characterization of shallow shear wave velocity structures in Southwestern Utah2011-05Textir_etd
52 Characterizing background seismicity in the region surrounding Milford, Utah2017Textir_etd
53 Chesterian - Morrowan conodont biodtratigraphy from Northeastern Utah1973Textir_etd
54 Chronology1983Textir_uspace
55 Circulation, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the Cretaceous North American seaway1996Textir_uspace
56 Clastic laramide sediments of the Wasatch Hinterland, Northeastern Utah (Thesis and maps)1974Text; Imageir_etd
57 Clastic laramide sediments of the Wasatch Hinterland, Northeastern Utah: Georeferenced map files1974Imageir_etd
58 Clastic pipes and soft-sediment deformation within the jurassic carmel formation, Southern Utah: processes, controls, and implications for plaeoenvironment, subsureface fluid flow, and a near-surface groundwater system on mars2018Textir_etd
59 Clay mineralogy and chemical variation in uranium roll-front deposits in the Gas Hills Uranium District, Wyoming2013-08Textir_etd
60 Climate change in India inferred from geothermal observations2002Textir_uspace
61 Coastal margin reservoir quality: subsurface analysis of the late cretaceous John Henry member, Kaiparowits Plateau, Southern Utah2017Textir_etd
62 Columnar section of the permian unnamed formation exposed between Rydalch Pass and US Coast and geodetic survey Cedar Triangulation Station Plate VIIITextir_etd
63 Comparative ichnology of pleistocene eolianites and modern coastal dunes, puerto penasco, sonora, Mexico2002Textir_etd
64 Comparison of the potential metamorphic and igneous carbon dioxide fluxes from the Salton Sea Geothermal System, California2009-07-23Textir_etd
65 Comparison study of magnetotelluric inversion using different transfer functions2014-08Textir_etd
66 Concerning the Laramie Formation in Carbon County, Utah1905Textir_etd
67 Contraction integral equation method in three-dimensional electromagnetic modeling2002-01-01Textir_uspace
68 Controlled sensitivity of marine controlled-source electromagnetic surveys2012-05Textir_etd
69 Controls of tufa development in Pleistocene Lake Bonneville, Utah2006Textir_uspace
70 Correlation of tephra layers from the Western Rift Valley (Uganda) to the Turkana Basin (Ethiopia/Kenya) and the Gulf of Aden1991Textir_uspace
71 Correlation of tuff layers in the Green River Formation, Utah, using biotite compositions1974Textir_etd
72 Cross-well electromagnetic imaging in three dimensions2003Textir_uspace
73 Data report: high-resolution mineralogy for leg 199 based on reflectance spectroscopy and physical properties2004Textir_uspace
74 Data-driven methods in earthquake monitoring, detection, and catalog building2018Textir_etd
75 Dating1984Textir_uspace
51 - 75 of 542