1 - 25 of 21
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1 The Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit. Including the Central Connections, Development, and Comparative Anatomy of the Visual Apparatus (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
2 Apparent Shape and Size of the Pupil Viewed Obliquely (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
3 Conditions Determining Adrenaline Secretion (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
4 Des Fibres Pupillaires de la Bandelette Optique by Darkchevitch (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
5 Details of a Scheme for the Subjective Measurement of the Pupil (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
6 The Development of the Third Nerve Nucleus and its Bearing on the Argyll-Robertson Pupil (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
7 Ein Binoculares Pupillometer (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
8 Eine Neue Methode zur Stetigan Registrierung der Konsensuellen Pupillenreaktion (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
9 Experimentalstudien am Nervensystem; Ueber die Beziehung des Pupillenreflexbogens zum Vorderen Vierhugel (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
10 Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die zentralen Wege der Pupillenfasern des Sympathicus (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
11 The Functions of the Brain (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
12 Influence du Systeme Nerveux sur la Dilation de la Pupille (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
13 The Luminous Efficiency of Rays Entering the Eye Pupil at Different Points (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
14 Pupillary and Other Responses from Stimulation of the Frontal Cortex and Basal Telencephalon of the Cat (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
15 The Relations of Pupil Size to Accommodation and Convergence (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
16 Segmental Distribution of Certain Visceral Afferent Neurones on the Pupillo-dilator Reflex in the Cat (Annotations)Image
17 Studies on the Changes of Intraocular Pressure Induced by Electrical Stimulation of the Hypothalamus (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
18 Uber Drei Falle von Geschlitzter Pupille (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
19 Ueber den Oberen Kern des N. Oculomotorius (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
20 Variation of Pupil Size with Change in the Angle at Which the Light Stimulus Strikes the Retina (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
21 Zur Naheren Kenntnis des Verlaufes der Postganglionaren Sympathicusbahnen fur Pupillenerweiterung, Lidspaltenoffnung und Nickhautretraktion bei der Katze (Illustrations and Annotations)Image
1 - 25 of 21