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1 1982-83 General Catalog1982University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Bulletin of the University of Utah General Catalog 1982-83
2 An assessment of oil shale and tar sand development in the state of Utah: Phase 2--policy analysis1982Oil shale; Tar sand development; Utah; Synthetic fuels; Uintah Basin; Northeastern Utah; Petroleum reserves; Tar sand; Oil; Synthetic Fuel commercialization viabilityThe potential development of synthetic fuels in the United States has been characterized by a great variation in preceived economies. The interest has been on an upswing during the decade of the 1970's due to the possibility of synthetic fuels lessening U.S. dependence on foreign oil. However, even ...
3 An echoing in-situ combustion oil recovery project in a Utah tar sand1982in-situ combustion; oil recovery project; Utah tar sand; echoing in-situ; U.S. tar sand resources; reverse combustion process; heterogeneous tar sand reservoirU.S. tar sand resources contain an estimated 30 billion bbl (4.7 Gm3) of oil in place in about 550 occurrences in 22 states. Over 90% of the known resources are in six large deposits in Utah, each containing from 1 to 16 billion bbl (0.15 to 2.5 Gm3) of oil. 1 Four major tar sand deposits in Alberta...
4 Depositional setting and preliminary oil-shale resource potential, southwestern Uinta Basin, Utah1982Oil shale; Uinta Basin; Utah; Green River; Oil yield; Lake Uinta; Mohogany zone; Kerogen; Sheep Pass; Elko Basins; Nevada; Strawberry Structure; Strawberry ReservoirThis report characterizes the potential oil-shale resources underlying those lands west of the Green River in the southwestern Uinta Basin, Utah. The principal evaluation technique has been the calculation of oil yield from oil-well sonic and density log data available in this area. Subsurface corre...
5 The economic potential of domestic tar sands1982economical potential; domestic tar sands; Utah tar sand deposits; technical recovery potential; recovery estimates; net energy analysisThis report summarizes the analysis of the Utah tar sand deposits (see Exhibit 1) prepared for ERDA/Fossil Energy and the Laramie Energy Research Center. Background Like many oil producing countries, the United States contains considerable deposits of tar sands heavy petroleum (bitumen) that will no...
6 The oil resources in tar sand deposits in the United States1982oil resources; tar sand deposits; tar sand oil recovery processesThis report summarizes the data available at the Laramie Energy Technology Center. An effort was made to catalogue U.S. tar sand resources, identify U.S. and state maps showing tar sand deposits, and attempt to compare tar sand oil recovery processes. A review of the available data indicated there w...
7 Tongues of the Green River and Uinta Formations in the Piceane Creek Basin1982Green River formations; Uinta formations; oil shale; thick zonesLake Uinta achieved its maximum extent durinq the deposition of the Mahogany bed, the richest oilshale unit in the Mahogany zone. Filling of the lake with stream-borne debris began immediately after deposition of the Mahogany bed. The lake gradually constricted from about 20,000 square miles in area...
8 U.S. tar sand oil recovery projects1982tar sands; U.S. tar sand oil recovery; oil recovery; U.S. energy demands; crude oil reserves; U.S. tar sands resourceThe increasing U.S. energy demands, decreasing conventional crude oil reserves, and decontrol of crude oil prices have resulted in significant numbers of projects in U.S. tar sands. Data are reported for 62 projects involving both in situ and mining and plant extraction technologies. The data includ...
9 United States tar sands1982U.S. tar sands; tar sands; Interstate Oil Compact CommissionThe term 'Tar Sands' is a catch-all misnomer that includes asphaltic and oil-impregnated sandstones, siltstones, and other elastics and even limestones and other carbonates - but not "oil shales" or man-made paving material. A press agent might entitle this paper "OIL, the Overlooked Billions of Bar...
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