501 - 525 of 10,899
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501 Paiva, MarieAn ethiopian research library evolves into the new millennium: The institute of ethiopian studies library, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababs, Ethiopia2010-05-14
502 Warner, Homer R.An Evaluation of Radiosulfate as a Granulocyte Label in the DogBiomedical Informatics1966
503 Sutherland, James Clayton; Kerstein, Alan R.; Chen, Jaqueline H.An evaluation of the one-dimensional turbulence model: comparison with direct numerical simulation of CO/H2 jets with extinction and reignitionAbstract A variant of the One-Dimensional Turbulence (ODT) model formulated in an Eulerian reference frame is applied to a planar nonpre mixed turbulent jet flame and results from the model prediction are compared with DNS data. The model employed herein solves the full set of conservation equation...2010
504 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.An exothermal energy release layer for microchip transienceA single layer nanothermite spin coated gel has been utilized as a solid-state exothermic energy release layer for triggered microchip transience. A proportional combination of self-assembled CuO/Al nanothermite and Napalm-B as gelling agent has been used to develop for the first time a spinable nan...2013-01-01
505 Mattis, Daniel C.An expanded Luttinger modelThis paper generalizes Luttinger's model by introducing curvature (d2ε (k) dk2 ≠ 0 ) into the kinetic energy. An exact solution for arbitrary interactions is still possible in principle, but it now requires disentangling the eigenvalue spectrum of an harmonic string of interacting boson fields at...2012-01-01
506 Durney, Carl H.An experiment in using interactive computer graphics in teaching transient transmission-line theoryAn interactive computer graphics routine was developed and used in teaching EE 553, Electromagnetic Fields, autumn quarter, 1969, in the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Utah. The routine displayed the propagation of the voltage ave form produced by a step-function generator do...1970
507 Willemsen, Peter; Gooch, Amy A.An experimental comparison of perceived egocentric distance in real, image-based, and traditional virtual environment using direct walking tasksIn virtual environments, perceived egocentric distances are often underestimated when compared to the same distance judgments in the real world. The research presented in this paper explores two possible causes for this reduced distance perception in virtual environments: (1) real-time computer g...Egocentric distances; Virtual environments2002-02-12
508 Newman, William M.An experimental display programming language for the PDP-10 computerAn experimental language for display programming, called DIAL, has been developed for the PDP-10 and the UNIVAC 1559 display. It is experimental in the sense that it was originally conceived as a means of testing out some ideas, and the best way to test them seemed to be to produce a language that ...Display programming; DIAL; Display Algol1970
509 Riesenfeld, Richard F.; Smith, Kent F.An experimental system for computer aided geometric designThe main goal of this proposed level-of-effort project is to extend present capabilities in the area of Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and to develop custom VLSI support for some special geometric functions.Computer aided geometric design; CAGD; VLSI; Very large scale integration1984
510 Clayton, Dale H.An experimental test of the effects of behavioral and immunological defenses against vectors: do they interact to protect birds from blood parasites?Background: Blood-feeding arthropods can harm their hosts in many ways, such as through direct tissue damage and anemia, but also by distracting hosts from foraging or watching for predators. Blood-borne pathogens transmitted by arthropods can further harm the host. Thus, effective behavioral and im...2014-01-01
511 Khoche, AjayAn extended cell set of self-timed designsThe high level synthesis approach described in [1] uses hopCP[2] language for behavioral descriptions. The behavioral specifications are then translated into Hop Flow Graphs (HFGs). The actions in the graph are then refined such that refined actions can be directly mapped onto asynchronous circuit b...Self-timed designs; hopCP; Hop Flow Graphs; Asynchronous circuit blocks; Action-blocks1993
512 Planelles, VicenteAn HIV-encoded antisense long non-coding RNA epigenetically regulates viral transcriptionThe abundance of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and their wide range of functional roles in human cells are fast becoming realized. Importantly, lncRNAs have been identified as epigenetic modulators and consequently play a pivotal role in the regulation of gene expression. A human immunodeficiency v...2014-01-01
513 Nielsen, Lewis T.An identeification guide to the Mosquitoes of UtahThe first detailed report on the mosquito fauna of Utah was published by pees (1943). In this bulletin Rees reported the occurrence in the state of 31 species, representing 4 genera, and discussed their biology, distribution, life history and importance. Subsequent publications by Rees (1944), Rees ...1961-06
514 Nielsen, Lewis T.An identification guide to the mosquitoes of UtahThe first detailed report on the mosquito fauna of Utah was published by pees (1943). In this bulletin Rees reported the occurrence in the state of 31 s p e c ie s , representing 4 genera, and discussed their biology, distribution, life history and importance. Subsequent publications by Rees (1944),...1961-06
515 Myers, Chris J.An improvement in partial order reduction using behavioral analysisEfficacy of partial order reduction in reducing state space relies on adequate extraction of the independence relation among possible behaviors. However, traditional approaches by statically analyzing system model structures are often not able to reveal enough independence for reduction. To address ...2012-01-01
516 Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Humphrey, Alan Parker; Derrick, Christopher GladeAn integration of dynamic MPI formal verification within eclipse PTPOur research goals were to verify practical MPI programs for deadlocks, resource leaks, and assertion violations at the push of a button and be able to easily visualize the results. We also sought to integrate these capabilities with the Eclipse IDE via an Eclipse plug-in for the Parallel Tools Plat...Verification; Graphical User Interfaces; Dynamic Interleaving Reduction; Message Passing; MPI; Multi-core; Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform; Trapeze Interactive Poster2010-03-15
517 Bruderlin, BeatAn interactive N-Dimensional constraint systemIn this paper, we present a graph-based approach to geometric constraint solving. Geometric primitives (points, lines, circles, planes, etc.) possess intrinsic degrees of freedom in their embedding space. Constraints reduce the degrees of freedom of a set of objects. A constraint graph is created wi...Geometric constraint solving1994
518 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshAn interface aware guided search method for error-trace justification in large protocolsMany complex concurrent protocols that cannot be formally verified due to state explosion can often be formally verified by initially creating a collection of abstractions (overapproximations), and subsequently refining the overapproximated protocol in response to spurious counterexample traces. ...Concurrent protocols; Verification; Error-trace justification2008
519 Sikorski, KrisAn interior ellipsoid algorithm for fixed pointsWe consider the problem of approximating fixed points of non-smooth contractive functions with using of the absolute error criterion. In [12] we proved that the upper bound on the number of function evaluations to compute ?-approximations is 0(n3(In 1/? + In 1/1-q +In n)) in the worst case, where ...Ellipsoid algorithm; Contractive functions; Fixed points1998
520 Warner, Homer R.An Interlingua for Electronic Interchange of Medical Information: Using Fames to Map between Clinical VocabulariesBiomedical Informatics1991
521 Berg, Cynthia A.An interpersonal analysis of subjective social status and psychosocial riskSubjective social status (SSS) predicts health independently of traditional measures of socio-economic status (SES; Adler et al., 2008; Cohen et al., 2008). Although interpersonal variables are known to be related to both SES and health (Gallo, Smith, & Cox, 2006) and might contribute to their assoc...2011-01-01
522 Davis, AlAn introduction to asynchronous circuit designThe purpose of this monograph is to provide both an introduction to field of asynchronous digital circuit design and an overview of the practical state of the art in 1997. In the early days of digital circuit design, little distinction was made between synchronous and asynchronous circuits. However,...Asynchronous circuit design1997
523 Morrison, David L.An introduction to patent searchingPresentation by David Morrison at the Marriott Library Spring Semester Training Workshop, 2013.2013-08
524 Riloff, Ellen M.An introduction to the Sundance and AutoSlog systemsThis document describes the Sundance natural language processing system that has been developed at the University of Utah, as well as the AutoSlog and AutoSlog-TS extraction pattern learners that have been implemented on top of Sundance. Sundance is a shallow parser that also includes clause hand...Sundance system; AutoSlog system; Extraction pattern learners2004-11-08
525 Regehr, JohnAn isotach implementation for myrinetAn isotach network provides strong guarantees about message delivery order. We show that an isotach network can be implemented efficiently entirely in software, using commercial o-the-shelf hardware. This report describes that effort. Parts of this implementation could be performed much more efficie...1997-01-01
501 - 525 of 10,899