376 - 400 of 10,889
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376 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive parallel-cascade truncated volterra filtersAbstract-This paper studies adaptive truncated Volterra filters employing parallel-cascade structures. Parallel-cascade realizations implement higher order Volterra systems a s a parallel connection of multiplicative combinations of lower order truncated Volterra systems. A normalized LMS adaptive f...1998
377 Normann, Richard A.Adaptive parameter selection for asynchronous intrafascicular multi-electrode stimulationThis paper describes an adaptive algorithm for selecting perelectrode stimulus intensities and inter-electrode stimulation phasing to achieve desired isometric plantar-flexion forces via asynchronous, intrafascicular multi-electrode stimulation. The algorithm employed a linear model of force product...2012-01-01
378 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive phase transform processors for time delay estimationThis paper introduces two recursive realizations of the phase transform (PHAT) processor for time-delay estimation (TDE), using a simple one-pole low-pass filter and the least-mean-square (LMS) adaptive filter, respectively. It is shown that these adaptive methods are capable of tracking time-varyin...1993
379 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive polynomial filtersWhile linear filter are useful in a large number of applications and relatively simple from conceptual and implementational view points. there are many practical situations that require nonlinear processing of the signals involved. This article explains adaptive nonlinear filters equipped with polyn...1991
380 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive realization of a maximum likelihood time delay estimatorABSTRACT This paper presents an adaptive maximum likelihood method for estimating the time difference of arrival of a source signal at two spatially separate sensors. It is well-known that the maximum likelihood technique achieves the Cramer-Rao lower bound for time delay estimation error for ce...1996
381 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive realizations of the maximum likelihood processor for time delay estimationAbstract-This correspondence introduces an adaptive realization of the maximum likelihood (ML) processor for time delay estimation (TDE). Also presented is a modified ML processor, which requires less computations but still performs better than the other when implemented in an adaptive way. Widrow'...1984
382 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive realizations of the phase transform for time delay estimationABSTRACT This paper introduces two recursive realizations of the Phase Transforn (PHAT) processor for tine delay estimation (TOE), using a simple one-pole lowpass filter and the least mean square (LMS) adaptive filter, respectively. It is shown that these adaptive methods are very effective in redu...1984
383 Pascucci, ValerioAdaptive sampling with topological scores2012
384 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive unsharp masking for contrast enhancementABSTRACT A new scheme o,f unsharp masking for image contrast enhancement is presented in this paper. An adaptive algorithm is introduced so that a sharpening action is performed only in locations where the image exhibits significant dynamics. Hence, the amplification of noise in smooth areas i...1997
385 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive volterra filters using orthogonal structuresAbstract- This paper presents an adaptive Volterra filter that employs a recently developed orthogonalization procedure of Gaussian signals for Volterra system identification. The algorithm is capable of handling arbitrary orders of nonlinearity P as well as arbitrary lengths of memory N for the sys...1995
386 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive volterra filters using orthogonal structuresAbstract-This paper presents an adaptive Volterra filter that empolys a recently developed orthogonalization procedure of Gaussian signals for Volterra system identification. The algorithm is capable of handling arbitrary orders of nonlinearity P as well as arbitrary lengths of memory N for the syst...1996
387 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive, quadratic preprocessing of document images for binarizationAbstract-This paper presents an adaptive algorithm for preprocessing document images prior to binarization in character recognition problems. Our method is similar in its approach to the blind adaptive equalization of binary communication channels. The adaptive filter utilizes a quadratic system mod...1998
388 Andreou, ChrisoulaAddiction, procrastination, and failure points in decision-making systemsRedish et al. suggest that their failures-in-decision-making framework for understanding addiction can also contribute to improving our understanding of a variety of psychiatric disorders. In the spirit of reflecting on the significance and scope of their research, I briefly develop the idea that t...Addiction; Failure in decision-making systems2008-08
389 Amato, SaraAdding finding aids with CONTENTdm 5's built-in supportLightning round presentation for the Western CONTENTdm Users Group Annual Conference, June 2-4, 2010. Gould Auditorium, J. Willard Marriott Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.CONTENTdm EAD2010-06-03
390 Brown, Barbara B.Adding maps (GPS) to accelerometry data to improve study participants recall of physical activity: a methodological advance in physical activity researchObjective Obtaining the ‘when, where and why' of healthy bouts of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) provides insights into natural PA. Design In Salt Lake City, Utah, adults wore accelerometer and Global Positioning System (GPS) loggers for a week in a cross-sectional study to establis...2014-01-01
391 Arlitsch, Kenning; OBrien, PatrickAddressing the low indexing ratio of IRs in Google Scholar by transforming metadataDLF, search engine optimization, SEO, Google Scholar2011-10-31
392 Simpson, Jamesina J.ADE-FDTD scattered-field formulation for dispersive materialsThis letter presents a scattered-field formulation for modeling dispersive media using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. Specifically, the auxiliary differential equation method is applied to Drude and Lorentz media for a scattered field FDTD model. The present technique can also be a...2008-01-01
393 Beckerle, Mary C.Adhesion plaque protein, talin, is phosphorylated in vivo in chicken embryo fibroblasts exposed to the tumor-promoting phorbol esterTalin is a high molecular weight phosphoprotein that is localized at adhesion plaques. We have found that talin phosphorylation increases 3.0-fold upon exposure of chicken embryo fibroblasts to the tumor-promoting phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate.Talin; Vinculin; Chicken embryo fibroblasts1990
394 Symko, Orest GeorgeAdiabatic compressional cooling of He3By adiabatic compression of a two-phase mixture of liquid and solid He3, temperatures below 2.5 mK have been obtained. These are in the range expected for nuclear ordering in solid He3.He3; Adiabatic compressional cooling1969-03
395 Kestle, John R. W.; Walker, Marion L.Adjustment and malfunction of a programmable valve after exposure to toy magnetsInadvertent adjustments and malfunctions of programmable valves have been reported in cases in which patients have encountered powerful electromagnetic fields such as those involved in magnetic resonance imaging, but the effects of small magnetic fields are not well known. The authors present a ca...2004
396 Rogachev, AndreyAdmittance spectroscopy study of polymer diodes in small magnetic fieldsWe performed a systematic study of bipolar and unipolar organic diodes based on the p-conjugated polymer, 2-methoxy-5-(20-ethylhexyloxy) (MEH-PPV), using electronic and magneto-transport measurements with magnetic field in the range 0-180mT and admittance spectroscopy in the frequency range 1 Hz<f<1...2012-01-01
397 McDaniel, SusanAdoption in Canada: A neglected area of data collection and researchFor some decades there has been in Canada, as in the United States, recurrent public interest in adoption. At various times this interest has been kindled by professional concern about unauthorized child placement and by the plight of children made homeless by war and other calamities. More recently...Canada; Adoption; Statistics1981
398 McDaniel, SusanAdoption policy in Great Britain and North AmericaThis paper has two purposes. First, to explore what existing adoption legislation may indicate about the meaning and function of adoption practices in North America and Great Britain. Second, to consider some possible policy implications revealed by clearer understanding of the social meaning of exi...Adoption law; Family; North America1984
399 Stringfellow, Gerald B.; Shurtleff, James KevinAdsorption and desorption of the surfactant Sb on GaInP grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxyIt has been determined that ordering has a profound effect on the bandgap energy of many compound semiconductor alloys. Therefore, ordering must be controlled for devices such as solar cells, light emitting diodes and diode lasers. Since ordering depends on the surface properties during organomet...Time dependent surface photoabsorption (SPA); Compound semiconductor alloys2000
400 Miller, Jan D.Adsorption mechanisms in nonmetallic activation systemsAdsorption of lead and ferric iron on quurtz and alumina is presented as a function of pH. Only the hydrolyzed species of these metal ions, FeOHt+ and PbOH', adsorb significantly on each of these minerals. Zeta potentials of quartz were measured as a function of pH in the presence of various additio...Ferric iron; Quartz; Lead; Alumina; Adsorption; pH (Chemistry)1970
376 - 400 of 10,889