Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Roundy, Shadrach J. | A cost-effective planar electromagnetic energy harvesting transducer | This paper presents a planar multi-pole electromagnetic energy harvesting transducer. We report on the design, manufacture, and performance results of integrated devices based on this transducer. The transducer leverages recent advancements in the manufacture of multi-pole magnets and can be impleme... | | 2012-01-01 |
2 |
 | Ameel, Timothy A; Gale, Bruce K.; Harvey, Ian R. | A three-semester interdisciplinary educational program in microsystems engineering | Motivated by an NSF IGERT grant in the general area of microfluidics, a sequence of three interdisciplinary technical courses has been developed in the emerging area of microsystems engineering. Designed to be taken in series, these courses take students, both graduate and upper-level undergraduates... | | 2004 |
3 |
 | Horch, Kenneth W.; Lawrence, Steve M.; Dhillon, Gurpreet S. | Acute peripheral nerve recording characteristics of polymer-based longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes | We examined the recording characteristics of two different types of polymer-based longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes (LIFEs) in peripheral nerve: single-stranded (s-polyLIFEs) and multistranded (m-polyLIFEs). Recordings were also made from Pt-Ir wire-based electrodes (PtIrLIFEs) as a control. T... | Sciatic Nerve; Intrafascicular Electrodes, Peripheral Nerve Recording | 2004 |
4 |
 | Jayamohan, Harikrishnan | Applications of microfluidics for molecular diagnostics | Diagnostic assays implemented in microfluidic devices have developed rapidly over the past decade and are expected to become commonplace in the next few years. Hundreds of microfluidics-based approaches towards clinical diagnostics and pathogen detection have been reported with a general theme of ra... | Microfluidics; Micro-total-analysis-systems; Lab-on-a-chip; Point-of-care devices; Sample preparation; MEMS; Rapid prototyping; Biomarker detection; Personalized medicine; Global health care | 2012-11-04 |
5 |
 | Ecsedy, Kathryn Lyn; Harvey, Ian R. | The artistic applications of M.E.M.S.: gallery on a chip | Our research explored the crossroads between art and science to create tiny devices known as MEMS (Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems). These artistic devices are powered by micro charge-pumped actuation of electrons in a scanning electron microscope, utilizing a phenomenon once considered an irri... | Artistic applications; MEMS; Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems; Kinetic micro sculpture; Micro charge pump actuation; Trapeze Interactive Poster | 2010-03-15 |
6 |
 | Ameel, Timothy A;Harvey, Ian R.; Miller, Mark S.; Blair, Steven; Gale, Bruce K.; Ring, Terry Arthur | Building academic, research, and commercialization programs in micro and nano science and engineering at the University of Utah | Abstract-This paper presents a case-study of some University /Government / Industry interactions at the University of Utah that build research and academic programs and create opportunities fur economic growth in the areas of micro and nanu science and engineering. | | 2003 |
7 |
 | Gale, Bruce K. | Characterization of a microscale thermal-electrical field-flow fractionation system | A microscale thermal-electrical field-flow fractionation (ThElFFF) channel is reported for the first time and preliminary characterization results show high retention at certain operating conditions including relatively high flow rates when compared to standard microscale electrical or thermal field... | | 2010 |
8 |
 | Bianchi, Carlo | Coupling of building and vegetation resolving urban microclimate model with a building energy simulation program | The objective of this work is to develop and validate a coupled fast-running Building Energy Modeling/Microclimate model for use in developing site-specific design strategies which minimize energy and water use All the micro-climate variables affecting the building energy consumption, such as solar ... | Building energy modeling; Urban; Microclimate; Simulation; Energy; Environment | 2018-08 |
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 | Gale, Bruce K. | Cyclical magnetic field flow fractionation | In this study, a new magnetic field flow fractionation (FFF) system was designed and modeled by using finite element simulations. Other than current magnetic FFF systems, which use static magnetic fields, our system uses cyclical magnetic fields. Results of the simulations show that our cyclical mag... | | 2012-01-01 |
10 |
 | Rahman, Aowabin | Deep recurrent neural networks for building energy prediction | This poster illustrates the development of a deep recurrent neural network (RNN) model using long-short-term memory (LSTM) cells to predict energy consumption in buildings at one-hour time resolution over medium-to-long term time horizons ( greater than or equal to 1 week). | Machine learning; Energy; Building energy modeling; Deep learning; Recurrent neural networks; Prediction | 2017-01-13 |
11 |
 | Brown, Don R. | The design and implementation of partnet | PartNet is a federated database for providing interactive online access to mechanical parts catalogs. The data contained in the vendor's product database is exported to the federated database using a networkbased distributed database protocol. A Single coherent view of these vendor databases is pro... | | 1995 |
12 |
 | Horch, Kenneth W.; Dhillon, Gurpreet S. | Direct neural sensory feedback and control of a prosthetic arm | Evidence indicates that user acceptance of modern artificial limbs by amputees would be significantly enhanced by a system that provides appropriate, graded, distally referred sensations of touch and joint movement, and that the functionality of limb prostheses would be improved by a more natural co... | Peripheral Nerve Implant; Prosthetic Limb Control; Sensory Feedback | 2005-12 |
13 |
 | Bianchi, Carlo | Energy demands for commercial buildings with climate variability based on emission scenarios | The impacts of a changing climate are wide-ranging in both impact and scope. This paper investigates the effect that realistic climate variability would have on building energy demands in Salt Lake City, UT to inform planning for air quality impacts. Energy demand scenarios were derived using climat... | BEM; EnergyPlus; Emissions; Climate; Energy | 2017 |
14 |
 | Legorburu, Gabriel | Energy modeling framework for optimizing heat recovery in a seasonal food processing facility | Societal, cultural and economic factors are driving food processors to reduce energy consumed per unit mass of food. This presents a unique problem because time variant batch processing using low to medium grade heat is common in food production facilities. Heat recovery methods may be implemented b... | Energy efficiency; Food industry; Heat recovery; Optimization; Simulation | 2018-07-20 |
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 | Lucich, Stephen; Smith, Amanda | Estimating building CO2 emissions reductions with EnergyPlus | The aim of this research is to investigate the potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the buildings sector in the Salt Lake Valley by altering the operational strategies of existing buildings. Air quality efforts typically focus on reducing emissions from transportation and industri... | Building energy modeling, Energy efficiency, HVAC, Greenhouse gas emissions | 2014-02-07 |
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 | Thomas, Tran T. D. | Evaluation of renewable energy technologies and their potential for technical integration and cost-effective use within the U.S. energy sector | Energy demands, environmental impacts of energy conversion, and the depletion of fossil; fuels are constant topics of discussion in the energy industry. Renewable energy technologies; have been proposed for many years to address these concerns. However, the transformation; from traditional methods o... | Renewable energy; Power generation; Electrical grid; Emerging energy systems; System integration | 2017-07 |
17 |
 | Guilkey, James Edward; Berzins, Martin | Examination and analysis of implementation choices within the material point method (MPM) | The Material Point Method (MPM) has shown itself to be a powerful tool in the simulation of large deformation problems, especially those involving complex geometries and contact where typical finite element type methods frequently fail. While these large complex problems lead to some impressive si... | GIMP; Meshfree methods; Meshless methods; Particle methods; Smoothed particle hydrodynamics; Quadrature | 2008 |
18 |
 | Colter, Jourdan; Wirostko, Barbara; Coats, Brittany | Finite element design optimization of hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel drug delivery device for improved retention | Drug-loaded hydrogel devices are emerging as an effective means of localized and sustained drug delivery for the treatment of corneal conditions and injuries. One such device uses a novel, thiolated crosslinked carboxymethylated, hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel (CMHA-S) film to deliver drug to the oc... | Ocular drug delivery; CMHA-S; antibiotics; ophthalmology; computation | 2018 |
19 |
 | Guilkey, James Edward | Improved contact algorithm for the material point method and application to stress propagation in granular material | Contact between deformable bodies is a difficult problem in the analysis of engineering systems. A new approach to contact has been implemented using the Material Point Method for solid mechanics, Bardenhagen, Brackbill, and Sulsky (2000a). Here two improvements to the algorithm are described. The f... | Contact algorithm; Material point method; Wave propagation; Granular material; Solid mechanics | 2001 |
20 |
 | Guilkey, James Edward | Improved velocity projection for the Material Point Method | The standard velocity projection scheme for the Material Point Method (MPM) and a typical form of the GIMP Method are examined. It is demonstrated that the fidelity of information transfer from a particle representation to the computational grid is strongly dependent on particle density and locati... | Material Point Method; GIMP Method; Meshless methods; Velocity projection; Solid mechanics | 2007 |
21 |
 | Malinowski, Nicholas | Improving water heaters for sustainability | Buildings use about 40% of the total U.S. energy demand. Water heaters provide hot water for a variety of building uses including sinks, showers, dishwashers, washing machines, and space heating. Water heaters are the second most energy intensive appliances in a common household. Typically a home... | Water heaters; Energy efficiency; Electricity; Emissions; Natural gas | 2018 |
22 |
 | Tran, Thomas T.D. | Incorporating performance-based global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis into LCOE calculations for emerging renewable energy technologies | Assessing system costs for power generation is essential for evaluating the economical aspect of energy resources. This paper examines traditional and renewable energy resources under uncertainty and variability of input variables. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of each technology is compu... | Renewable energy technologies; LCOE levelized cost of electricity | 2018-02-14 |
23 |
 | Didier, Richard C. | Linking microclimate and energy use with a low cost wall mounted measurement system | Urban microclimate plays a critical role in overall urban energy demand and efficiency. At the building scale, energy use and internal conditions are directly impacted by local microclimate. The direct link between building energy use and local microclimate is through building envelope heat fluxes. ... | Microclimate; Energy; Temperature; Humidity; Arduino; EnergyPlus | 2016-06 |
24 |
 | Roundy, Shadrach J. | MEMS testing: transition from millions to billions to trillions | Sensors, specifically MEMSbased, have created multiple market tornados over the past 40 years. Most recently there has been a market explosion driven by the widespread adoption of MEMS sensing devices in mobile consumer applications. In the past 5 years the worldwide market has grown from roughly 10... | | 2012-01-01 |
25 |
 | Adams, Daniel | Microbial production of methane and carbon dioxide from lignite, bituminous coal, and coal waste materials | The aim of this study was to examine microbial methane and CO2 production from bituminous coal waste, lignite, and bituminous coal materials. Bituminous coal and coal waste material were obtained from a Utah mine and lignite was obtained from a commercially available North Dakota sample. Microbial p... | | 2012-01-01 |