251 - 275 of 386
Number of results to display per page
251 Novel materials and devices for energy storage2016Textir_etd
252 Novel methods of hydrogen production: aluminum-gallium-indium-tin systems and copper boron oxide as photocatalysts2011-12Textir_etd
253 Observation of the inverse spin hall effect in ZnO thin films: an all-electrical approach to spin injection and detection2014-01-01Textir_uspace
254 On the effect of birefringence on light transmission in Polycrystalline Magnesium Fluoride2014-01-01Textir_uspace
255 On the non-Gaussianity of chain motion in unentangled polymer melts2001Textir_uspace
256 On three-dimensional singular stress/residual stress fields at the front of a crack/anticrack in an orthotropic/orthorhombic plate under anti-plane shear loading2010-07Textir_uspace
257 Optimal liberation of waste lithium-ion battery electrode material through attrition milling2020Textir_htoa
258 Orbit- and atom-resolved spin textures of intrinsic, extrinsic, and hybridized Dirac cone states2014-01-01Textir_uspace
259 Organic semiconductor sensors for detecting airborne chemicals2015Textir_etd
260 Organometallic vapor phase epitaxial growth of AlGaInP1985Textir_uspace
261 Organometallic vapor phase epitaxial growth of high purity GaInAs using trimethylindium1984-03-01Textir_uspace
262 The Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxial Growth of the Group III Antimonide Semiconductors Using New Sb Sources1996-08Textir_etd
263 Origin of intergranular embrittlement of Al alloys induced by Na and Ca segregation: grain boundary weakening2006-06Textir_uspace
264 Oxide materials for spintronic device applications2015-12Textir_etd
265 Oxides for spintronics: a review of engineered materials for spin injection2014-01-01Textir_uspace
266 Pattern formation on silicon-on-insulator2005Textir_uspace
267 Pattern formation via a two-step faceting transition on vicinal Si(111) surfaces2001Textir_uspace
268 Petrogeneis of the Mineral Range Pluton, Southwestern Utah1960-06Text; Imageir_etd
269 Petrogeneis of the Mineral Range Pluton, Southwestern Utah: Georeferenced map files1960-06Imageir_etd
270 pH-Responsive hydrogel-based chemomechanical sensors designed for disposable dioreactor applications2013-12Textir_etd
271 Phase constitution and mechanical properties of carbides in the Ta-C system2009-05Textir_etd
272 Photoluminescence of Shallow Acceptors in Epitaxial AlGaAs1980Textir_uspace
273 Physical origin of hydrogen-adsorption-induced metallization of the SiC surface: n-type doping via formation of hydrogen bridge bond2005-10Textir_uspace
274 Plasmonically active silver nanowire structures for energy storage applications2015-04Textir_htoa
275 Plate 1: Lucin mining district and vicinity, Northern Pilot Range, Box Elder County, Utah - Elko County, Nevada (Google Earth map overlay KMZ file)1960-08Imageir_etd
251 - 275 of 386