376 - 400 of 2,789
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376 Comment on "Yield of singlet excitons in organic light-emitting devices: a double modulation photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance study"2006Textir_uspace
377 Comment on pressure dependence of wall relaxation in polarized 3He gaseous cells2012-01-01Textir_uspace
378 Comment on: New limit on lorentz-invariance- and CPT-violating neutron spin interactions using a free-spin-precession 3He- 129Xe comagnetometer2014-01-01Textir_uspace
379 Common grackle anting with lime fruit and its effect on ectoparasites1993Textir_uspace
380 Communication: Theoretical exploration of Au++ H2, D2, and HD reactive collisions2011Textir_uspace
381 Comparative effects of mites and lice on the reproductive success of rock doves (Columba livia)1995Textir_uspace
382 Comparative ontogeny of form and function in developing mallard ducks (anas platyrhynchos)2010-08Textir_etd
383 Comparative osteology of the skunks of the world.1969Textir_etd
384 Comparative structure of harvester ant communities in arid Australia and North America1988Textir_uspace
385 Comparative transmission dynamics of competing parasite species2008Textir_uspace
386 Comparing Tollerance of Neotoma Lepida on Native Versus Novel Toxic Diets2017Textir_htoa
387 Comparison of air fluorescence and ionization measurements of E.M. shower depth profiles: test of a UHECR detector technique2006-02Textir_uspace
388 Comparison of methods to estimate Ephemeral Channel Recharge, Walnut Gulch, San Pedro River Basin, Arizona2004Textir_uspace
389 Comparison of popular force fields for molecular modeling of proteins applied to ice binding of the tenebrio molitor antifreeze protein2016-04Textir_htoa
390 Comparison of three members of the cysteine-rich protein family reveals functional conservation and divergent patterns of gene expression1997Textir_uspace
391 Comparison of vascular networks, water use and growth rates in two tree species of contrasting functional type2011-05Textir_etd
392 Comparison Principles for parabolic stochastic partial differential equations2017Textir_etd
393 Compatibility conditions and application to damage in discrete structures2015Textir_etd
394 Compatibility of DAMA dark matter detection with other searches2005-06Textir_uspace
395 Competition and the structure of granivore communities1980Textir_uspace
396 Competitive vaporization and decomposition of liquid RDX2000Textir_uspace
397 Complex ac susceptibility studies of the disordered molecular based magnets V(TCNE)x: role of spinless solvent1993Textir_uspace
398 Composite microstructures and climate change2010-03-15Text; Imageir_uspace
399 The composition of ultra high energy cosmic rays through hybrid analysis at telescope array2011-12Textir_etd
400 Comprehensive copper ion hydration: experimental and theoretical investigation of cu2+(h2o)n, cu+(h2o)n, cuoh+(h2o)n2015-05Textir_etd
376 - 400 of 2,789