251 - 275 of 2,789
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251 Bounds on the complex permittivity of matrix-particle composites1995Textir_uspace
252 Bounds on the complex permittivity of sea ice1995Textir_uspace
253 Bounds on the volume of an inclusion in a body and cloaking due to anomalous localized resonance2014-08Textir_etd
254 BPS R-balls in N = 4 SYM on R × S3, quantum Hall analogy and AdS/CFT holography2006-06-01Textir_uspace
255 The bps signal: genetic and biochemical approaches for identification2015-05Textir_etd
256 Bragg scattering from periodically microstructured light emitting diodes2000Textir_uspace
257 Braid group and anyons on a cylinder1991-02Textir_uspace
258 Braid group, gauge invariance, and topological order2006-07Textir_uspace
259 Branching ratio and pressure dependent rate constants of multichannel unimolecular decomposition of gas-phase ?-HMX: an ab initio dynamics study2001Textir_uspace
260 Brane creation in M(atrix) theory1998-02Textir_uspace
261 Breached superfluidity via p-wave coupling2005-03Textir_uspace
262 Breast cancer knowledge and attitudes among women in Armenia2013-07Textir_htoa
263 The breeding biology and ethology of the green-tailed towhee1971Textir_etd
264 Bright electroluminescence from a conjugated dendrimer2002Textir_uspace
265 Brine percolation and the transport properties of sea ice2001Textir_uspace
266 Brittle fracture of germanium1962Textir_etd
267 Broad spectral, interdisciplinary investigation of the electromagnetic properties of sea ice1998Textir_uspace
268 BTS1 encodes a geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae1995-09-15Textir_uspace
269 Burning coal seams in southern Utah: a natural system for studies of plant responses to elevated CO21997Textir_uspace
270 B̄→D*ℓν̄ form factor at zero recoil from three-flavor lattice QCD: a model independent determination of [Vcb]2009-01Textir_uspace
271 B→πlν semileptonic form factor from three-flavor lattice QCD: a model-independent determination of [Vub]2009-03Textir_uspace
272 C+(2P) + H2(D2,HD)→CH+(CD+) + H(D). I. Reaction cross sections and kinetic isotope effects from threshold to 15 eV c.m.1986Textir_uspace
273 C+(2P)+H2(D2,HD)→CH+(CD+)+H(D). I. Reaction cross sections and kinetic isotope effects from threshold to 15eV c.m.1986Textir_uspace
274 C-F bond activation2014-05-30Text; Imageir_uspace
275 C-functions of noncommutative Yang-Mills theory from holography2000-05-01Textir_uspace
251 - 275 of 2,789