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Show 86 The CONFEDERACY. a Gentleman, he's a Gentleman's Fellow. Come hi. ther Dick, they fhan't run thee down neither •, Cock up thy Hat Dick, and tell 'em, tho Mrs. Amlet is thy Mother, fhe can make thee amends, with ioooo good Pounds to buy thee fome Lands, and build thee a Houfe in the mid ft on't. Omnes. How! Clar. Ten thoufand Pounds, Mrs. Amlet t Ami. Yes forfooth ; tho I fhou'd lofe the hundred, you pawn'd your Necklace for. Tell 'em of that, Dic\. Cor. Look you, flippanta, I can hold no longer, and Ihate to fee the young M a n abus'd. And fo, Sir, if you pleafe, I'm your Friend and Servant, and what's mine is yours -, and when our Eftates are put together, I don't doubt but w e fhall do as well as the beft of'em. Dick. Say'ft thou fo, m y little Queen ? W h y then if dear Mother will give us her BleiTing, the Parfon fhall give us a Tack. We'll get her a fcore of Grandchildren, and a merry Houfe we'll make her. [They kneel to Mrs. Amlet, Ami. Ah. ha, ha, ha, ha, the pretty Pair, the pretty Pair, rife m y Chickens, rife, rife and face the proudeft of them. And if Madam does not deign to give her Confent, a Fig for her, Dick Why how now ? Clar. Pray, Mrs. Amlet, don't be in a Paflion, the Girl is m y Husband's Girl, and it you can have his Con-fent, upon my word you fhall have mine, for any thing belongs to him. Flip. Then all's Peace again, but w e have been more lucky than wife. Aram. And I fuppofe, for us, Clariffa, w e are to co on with our Dears, as w e us'd to do. Clar. Tuft in the fame Trad, for this late Treaty of Agreement with 'em, was fo unnatural, you fee it cou'd not hold. But 'tis juft as well with us as if it had. Well, 'tis a ftrangeFate, good Folks. But while you live, every thing gets well out of a Broil, but a Husband. THE ' *& $?> & * « ' T H E FALSE FRIEND: COMEDY; As it is A&ed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. m ?f < & |