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Show 4 Task Descriptions Phase I. Assessment Track Task 1. Acquisition of Borners for Assessment Objectives: To design and acquire the burners to be tested in Phase I, Assessment Track. Discussion: The designs will be developed in collaboration with the major petroleum industry burner manufacturers to ensure that they properly reflect commercial units. Burner construction will be performed by one of the manufacturers. The design and acquisition of the burners will be the responsibility of the PERF members, interface specifications for the Burner Engineering Research Laboratory (BERL) facility will be provided by Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore. Responsibility: PERF members MikstoneslDeliverables: lA Conventional Diffusion Hame Burner (CDFB) Delivered (Month 6) IB Low-NOx Diffusion Harne Burner (LDFB) Delivered (Month 10) Ie Conventional Premixed Flame Burner (CPFB) Delivered (Month 18) ID Swface Premixed Harne Burner (SPFB) Delivered (Month 22) Task 2. Add Refinery Fuel Gas Capability to Burner Engineering Research Laboratory Objective: To design and install a four-component refinery fuel gas (RFG) delivery and metering system at the Burner Engineering Research Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore. Discussion: Mixing of the air and fuel streams in small-scale (1 OOkW) burners of typical industrial design will be investigated experimentally to lay a foundation for including the effect of turbulent mixing on the chemical kinetic computations. Quantitative assessment of the entrainment and mixing rate of practical burner geometries will permit the chemical kinetic computations to be performed along species-temperature-time trajectories characteristic of those used in petroleum industry burners. Preliminary measurements of simple air toxics will also be carried out. Responsibility: Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore MikstoneslDeliverables: BERL RFG System Installed (Month 6) Task 3. Measure Flame Structure and Fluid Mechanics of Petroleum Industry Burners Objective: To assess flame structure and fluid mechanics of the burners by measurements in the Burner Engineering Research Laboratory facility. Discussion: The diagnostics to be utilized include conventional and planar imaging methods (emission, scattering, and fluorescence), laser Doppler velocimetry, and conventional thermometry. The measurements will be perfonned in accordance with the test matrix developed in Task 6 on the basis of the measurements in Task 5. Depending on the branching decision of Task I4C, in the last year this task will include either an assessment of the flame structure and fluid mechanics of an ABC prototype burner or a series of tests specifically focused on resolving outstanding issues of air toxic emission. Burner installation and calibration in the Burner Engineering Research Laboratory facility are also included in this task. |