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Show Zkey Skinned the Under the glowing San Francisco sun, I watched our current conference champions open their sensational cam' paign by attempting to bridle the Broncos of Santa Clara. And although they were defeated in Ke^ar stadium, they headed mountain-ward with bright hopes for the future, remem-bering the brilliant touchdown runs of Izxy Spector and Gay Adelt. They didn't have to wait long, for the Cougars of B.Y.U. invaded the U stadium the first week of conference play. Ike had the boys on the warpath, and the snarling Cougars spent most of the afternoon in the shadows of their own goalposts. It was a typical opening game, with Dean Ballif directing the ushers, the sun wilting pompoms worn by beautiful coeds, Dean Ballif raising the flag, the cheering section a stanza behind the band, and Dean Ballif clearing the stands after the final gun. Stop that man! Pierce, Turner and Nawman rush into the play to aid a teammate who seems to be slipping. Knifing through tackle, elusive Huck leaves his interference behind and, head down, darts through the enemy backfield. \ Pete Nawman Tackle - No. 1 a Senior Wayne Clark End-No. 21 a Senior Bob Johnston Back-No. 15 Two hundred sixty-two V |