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Show Sharp, Luella 72,170 Shaughnessy, Helen I I 3 Shaw, Marian 81, I 86 Sheets, Boyd 59,222,223,242 Sheffield, Val 75, 173,209,212 Sheldon, Ruth 53 Sheldon, Eleanor 55 Sheldon, Julie 104 Shepard, Douglas 234 Shepard, Mary E. 70, 168, 182 Sherman, Beatrice III, 170 Shields, Harold 227 Shields, Francis 232 ShiII. Kay 170,221 Shilling, John 194,227,230 Shipley, Dorothy 51,245 Shobert, Dallas 103 Shurtleff, Burt 112 Shurtleff, LaVar 71, 173 Shurtleff, Reid 81, 181 Sill, Golden 57 Sill, Sterling 242 Silsey, Sally 96,182 Simms, Dorothy 78, 170 Simmons, Barbara 80,81,221 Simper, Austin 90 Singer, Ellen Jane 105,189 Singleton, Stanley 100 Swenson, Elmore 59 Skewes, Deone 93, 178 Skelton, Ruth 217,221,235 Skidmore, Helen 80,219 Sloan, George 64, 232 Slopansky, Anne 178 Smith, Alvin 76,242 Smith, Croft 81,241,244 Smith, Dasil 47,202,225 Smith, Delbert 86 Smith, Donald 49, 173 Smith, Dorothy 52, 189 Smith, Douglas 92, 173 Smith, Elias 173,242 Smith, Frances 81 Smith, Glade 112,182 Smith, Harold 47 Smith, Helen 59, 174 Smith, Helen E. 224,235 Smith, Janet 78 Smith, Jean 103 Smith, Lowell 73 Smith, Marian 55, 174,235 Smith, Marjorie 90 Smith, Patricia 77, 170, 218 Smith, Ray 104 Smith, Richard 67 Smith, Roger 95, 169 Smith, Sarah 178 Smith, Stratford 198 Smith, Sherman 90, 177 Smith, Vern 103 Smith, Virginia 78, 103,215,217, 240, 245 Smoot, Rebecca 48, 168, 186,218,219,221 Smoot, Wendell 190,212,219 Snarr, Alice 78,245 Snelgrove, Mona 81, 194,217,219,239 Snow, Barbara 55,203,223 Snow, Betty Jo 80, 170, 215,217,218, 235 Snow, Burke 236,242 Snow, Elizabeth 75 Snow,John H. 63 Snow, Paul 55, 173 Snow, Peggy Ann 115,170 Snyder, Richard 234 Soffe, George 236 Soloman, Edwin 108 Sorensen, Douglas 79, 190, 207 Sorensen, Dona 7 1,240 Sorensen, Fredrick I I I Sorensen, Garth 65 Sorensen, Ralph 63 Sorenson, Marjorie 116 Soward, Kenneih I I 9 Spencer, Bill 90 Spratling, June I I I Spratt, Robert 194 Spry, Elaine 103 Squires, Adele 72, I 74 Squires, Evelyn I I 0 Stanislaus, Shirley 92, 171 Stauffer, Fred 107 Starbuck, William 181 Starley, Paul 86 Stayner, Marjorie 86, 174 Steele, Jess I 17 Steele, John 104 Steele, Robert 194 Stenhenson, Earl 72, 244 Stephenson, Stanley 80,169,177 Stevens, Anna 96 Stevens, .licit 194,225 Stevens. Richard I 17 Steward, John 90,225 Stewart, Merle I I I Stewart, Nancy Gene 77 Stewart, Ray 96 Stewart, Vivian 61, 182, 217, 218, 219,221,224,235 Stirk, Reqinald 67 Stobbe, Joseph 88 Stockslaaer, Charles 72,198 Stoker, Clinton 47 Stoker, Margaret 79 Stoker, Rulon 71 Stokes, Eugenia 67 Stone, Joseohine 59 Stout, Carlisle 117 Stout, Don 100 Stratford, Marion 108, 170 Stratron, Virginia 61, 197, 239 Straub, Barbara III, 170 Striland, Russell 114 Stringsfellow, Dale I 12 Stringham, Ralph 194 Stringham, Marie 65, 235, 245 Strong, Allen 55, 173 Strong, Romona 239 Strong, Pauline 78, 174, 182,216 THOMPSON COMPANY 220 South Main Street Better Shoes and Hosiery for Men and Women SWEETS SALT LAKE BARS Are Always Good Compliments AMERICAN CAN COMPANY INTERNATIONAL SMELTING & REFINING COMPANY Ore Purchasing Department 818 Kearns Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah Purchasers of GOLD, SILVER, COPPER, LEAD and ZINC ORE and CONCENTRATES Custom Lead-Zinc Concentrator Lead and Copper Smelters INTERNATIONAL, UTAH NEW YORK OFFICE, 25 BROADWAY Compliments of CAP AND GOWN COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 329 |