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Title Scaling Law for Emission of Pollutant from Combustion Furnace
Creator Sadakata, M.; Hirose, Y.
Publisher Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Date 1991
Spatial Coverage presented at Honolulu, Hawaii
Abstract For the development of a new combustion system, a reliable scaling law is required. The scaling law means the method of scale up which can keep the combustion characteristics in the scale up from a small model furnace to a practical furnace or the method of scale down which can realize the same phenomena which is occurred in the practical furnace by using the small model furnace. The study of scal ing law attracted many researchers concern in early time. Colloquium on scaling law was held at Ninth Symposium on Combustion at Cornell University. In this Symposium, conventional scaling law and modeling study were reviewed and an idea of partial model ing and the method of isothermal mode or effective scaling law for gas turbine combustion were introduced. However, the concerning of the combustion researchers was shifted to the basic research field afterwards and the study of the scaling law was not advanced significantly except a study of fire. As the result, the scaling of the practical combustor has been carried out by try and error method.
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Language eng
Rights This material may be protected by copyright. Permission required for use in any form. For further information please contact the American Flame Research Committee.
Conversion Specifications Original scanned with Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II, 16.7 megapixel digital camera and saved as 400 ppi uncompressed TIFF, 16 bit depth.
Scanning Technician Cliodhna Davis
ARK ark:/87278/s6qr50qx
Setname uu_afrc
ID 6854
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