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Show ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the Department of Energy and Electric Power Research Institute for funding the work reported in this paper (DOE Contract DE-AC22- 88PC88860; EPRI Contract RP2533-9). In addition, the authors would like to express their appreciation to the Dravo Lime Company for reviewing the manufacture of a limeurea hydrate, and Paul Ireland and the staff at Stearns-Roger, a Division of United Engineers and Constructors, for their help and input on the process economics. REFERENCES Babu, M., Personal Communication - Dravo Lime Company, January 23, 1989. Chemical Marketing Reporter, "Chemical Prices," p. 43, January 16, 1989. Emmel, T.E. et aI., Ohio/Kentucky/NA Coal-Fired Utility S02 and NOv Control Retrofit Study, EPA/600/7-88-014, August 1988. England, G.C. et aI., "Prototype Evaluation of Sorbent Injection on a Tangentially-Fired Utility Boiler," presented at the 1990 S02 Control Symposium, New Orleans, LA, May 1990. EPRI P-4463-SR, TAG - Technical Assessment Guide Volume 1: Electricity Supply-1986, December 1986. EPRI CS-4277-SR, S02 and NOv Retrofit Control Technologies Handbook, October 1985. Farzan, H. and Maringo, G.J., "Pilot Evaluation of Reburning for Cyclone Boiler NOx ControL" Gas Research Institute Report No. GRI-89/0245, December 1989. Hofmann, J.E. et aI., "NOx Control in a Brown Coal-Fired Utility Boiler," presented at the 1989 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, San Francisco, CA, March 1989. Hurst, B.E., "Thermal deNOx Technology Update," presented at the 1985 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, Boston, MA, May 9, 1985. Ireland, P.A. et aI., "Site Specific Evaluation of Six Sorbent Injection Processes/ presented at the FGD and Dry S02 Control Symposium, St. Louis, MO, October 25-28, 1988. Ireland, P.A. et aI., "Economics of Furnace Sorbent Injection for S02 Emission Control/ presented at the 1986 Joint Symposium on Dry S02 and Simultaneous S02/NOx Control Technologies, Raleigh, NC, June 2-6, 1986. -19- |