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Show jobs suitable to his years and ability. As to No.2: Can a Christian NOT be a m1ssionary? The treasure of the Gospel is 'not given to anyone to be buried in a napkin. We must not merely minister the sacraments and preach the Gospel "in a language understanded of the People," but strive also to witness daily to the life of the Spftrit. But as one cannot preach the Gospel to the thirsty we are happy to be able to supply abundant water from out well, or to the naked--and thanks to you we have been able to clothe many a child and some adults. (We hope that it is not necessary to add that "hand-outs" are never associated with church-going, either as lure or reward. The futility of any such device was well .. proved many years ago, and the term "rice Christian" came into being. The need is all we are seeking to fill, if the filling of the need leads to a friendship, that is good and may lead to even better relationships. We have no staggering statistics on great numbers of converts, but we have baptized 25, and we presented 16 for Confirmation when the Blshop was here in May. Lonely? One might think so, looking over our beautiful valley and seeing (at first glance) no dweilings within a mile in any direction. But those who come for water, or passing sheep-herders, often stop in to chat " and ask questionsf and other vlsitors from far and near--as near as Oljato or Guuldings, or a"s far as France, Germany or Switzerland~ even from California, leave us little "time to be lonely." We hope that many of you who have not seen our glorious country will join the crowd. As to No. 4--that's a good question. Let's make it clear from the beginning that we are not begging our daily bread. We have enough to live on, barring some unforeseen dlsaster, our combined penslons and Joan's earningS take care of that." And to clear up another pOint: the pensions come from the Church Pension" Fund and from Uncle Sam's OA Division of Social Security. (A visitor recently said,"I am helping you financially through the Bluff Mission." He was surprised to learn that he was not! We mention it only because others ~y have a similar "idea . We are "on our own,") However, if the Ecumenical Retreat Center is to function and if our work with the Navajo is to be effective, we shall need help from those who elect to help us. The hoghan Church of St. Mary of the· Moonlight has shown itself inadequate even for ordinary Sunday services and we need an oratory or chapel both for Sunday and daily use and also for prayer ~nd medi tat10n in retreats and at other times. We"" have 1n hand a g1ft to erec t the walls of na ti ve st"one and the masons are ready to go " to work, but we don't want to start what we m1ght not be able to-finish. Since the building is not to be a parish church--or in any sense exclusively Ep1scopallan--we would welcome most heart1ly any corporate glfts from other religlous bodles. What a joy it would be to worship 1n a bulldlng wlth Episcopalian walls, a Presbyterlan roof and ceiling, Roman Catholic altar, font and lecturns, Methodlst pews and Pentecostal electrlc fixt~res and wiring! Our present devotional, scheme centers about Eplscopallan Morning Prayer, Catho11c Mass and Compline wlth free-expression lntercesslons and other prayers. As we grow ln grace and ln the ecumenical spirlt there would seem to be no end to the posslbllities along this line, all leading toward the fulfilment of our Lord's prayer " ••• that they may be one . " Of course this idea of group-help should in no way interfere with individual gifts of those who want t~ share in our joyous work either by .financial or muscular Assistance. Even in the construction of our home we have been helped " by a carpenter who is a Gospel preacher of note and by a Son of Israel who just wants to be where he is needed. |