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Show 3 "The baby business" has been good all summer long, and at least one pair of 41/2 pound twins has appeared to show their appreciation of his professional services. IwlHETHER OR not we are to have a ·school this year has not been determined at the time of writing this. Many children have departed, as usual, for the off-Reservation schools, and a considerable number have been enrolled in the Bluff Elementary School for the first time. We started our schoo) 17 years ago because there was an evident need for it; as long as that need ·exists we are prepared to continue it, but if it is no longer necessary, naturally we are not going to put up a fight! The evangelistic work, religious education in four government schools and the clinical and social work will keep us more than busy. I oj ON'T jump to conclusions when you hear or read about the "vast WP'lJth" of the Navajo Tribe due to oil and ur anium discoveries. Certainly, money in seven digits passes to tpe tribe, but not a penny seems to find its way to the great majority of poor Navajos. A number of projects give employment to individuals, especially in areas like Navajo Mountain, where as yet there is no organized industry; excellent |