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Show Place of Sacrifice Will you help us at this Christmas time? The P eople of God he re send you greetings at this Holy Time of Year and tha nks for all you have done to aid us. J oin us each day as we meet our routine life- happiness - di scouragement - death - sorrow - love - fatigue - s ic kness - sadne s - hurry - worry - probl ems - prayers - joy. The Mi ss ion Angelus c ri sp ly rings all awa ke a t 6 :30 - a qui ck dash of water - to Worship a t 7 - chanting the Psalms - doing the Holy Sacrifice in the lillIe room of our sc hoolho use - coffee and Di cki e's hot oatmeal brea kfast to a blazing fire in the Franklin s tove - sun appea rs ove r the bluff - s ta ff meeting and probl ems ta lk ed ovc r - Ri c ha rd , J o hn , Sam, Charley and David beginning to hamme r on the new c hurch unde r Ro be rt Vance's direc ti on -Claude and Da isy a rrive to work - Ve rlc and Dan, too, and Mrs. Gaines-vehicles wa rmed up- ta king off for remote vis iting - a s ic k baby needs atte nti on fr om Pat - study begins for Fronti er Corps, with Father Mitchell in cha rge, Fa th er Li e b ler and Fath er Way ne a lso Clothing Day teaching - interruptions during a class quiz - a lillIe brea k between sess ions - ALia's typewriter cli cksMrs. Sally begins kind ergarten at. 9 as children arri ve just before - children s ing and play - Father Way ne in s tru c ts o r Fa th e r Mitc hell tea ches with guita r - noon Ange lus rings - lunc h bell summo ns - hot soup and sa ndwiches for kiddos and s ta ff - children tre k home - Broth er Juniper pre pares the ma il for trip to Bluff :- rid e rs come along - s ta ff get.s s ta rted for a religiou educa ti on class at Aneth , Mont ezuma Creek, Teec Nos Pos or Kaye nta, Ari zona - Nick has us all packed up - visitors arrive and Fa th er Li ebl er shows th em around - a hurri ed trip to the hos pital with a very sick child - staff begins to return from out stati ons - the school bus arri ves from Bluff - the bell for Evensong - thc comforting Psalms - praye rs for us all - the Angelus co ncludes - a c hat before supper at 6:15 - study - c hoir practi ce - young people's meeting - a reques t for a bath in the new bathrooms - a mus ical moment in the Mitc he ll 's trailer - late work in the office to catch th ings up - to bed a t last - but wa it - answe ring a kn ock a t 2 a.m. - someo ne s tu ck in the sand - woma n with a high tempe rature - it's co ld, ca n I have some coa l? Topping Out How can you help us at this Christmas time? Use the card e nclosed - say a prayer on Chri stmas E ve and Chri stmas Day - send a co ntributi on - a pledge to co ntinue all year - a gift of s tock - a birthday offering - sewing for the c hildren - a purchase of dia pe rs - a card to c heer - TV plates to help us to feed la rge groups - medi ca l sa mples - di sposa blc sy ringes - co upon a nd s ta mps - new a nd used clothing - Christmas wrapping pa per and gifts. We remember our Christmas last year - how tired we were, but very happy - a rain on Chri stmas Eve - joyfu l Evenso ng-qui ck supper - th en the Pageant - costume - c hoir - lig hting - trumpet sound from the ca nyon - a burst of firewo rks for the birth of Jesus - a horse bolted1 - Midnight Ma s - fires lig hted for the outd oo r ba rb ec ue - sleepy heads pULLing firec rac kers into the fire - to bed at 3 a. m. - ea rly cooking of elk , buffalo, a nte lo pe, d eer - pick-ups a rr ive for 10 o'c lock Hig h Mass - arc he ry contest - dinn er is read y and alm ost 1000 here to eat - 415 gifts and ca ndy to children - free ~ ov i e Father Cuts 76th -Evensong-Chri stmas da nce with the Blue Fea thc rs, our boys who ta ug ht th emselves to play g uita rs a nd drum - old e r boys a nd girls home from boa rding school. How can you help us this coming year? Remember this work in your will - be a miss iona ry a t home - ta ke each lillie letter to someone e lse - let our hands be yours at work herc - give us names of othe rs who would be int erested in this Fronti er - plan a vis it to us thi s summer - ord er gifts from thc young people's Sho p. And now? Our new church will be dedi ca ted on F e bru a ry 2 by our Bi s ho p Wa tson from Sa lt La ke City. Try to come and join us that day. Stay at the Reca pture Mote l, Mokee Motel, Bl anding o r Mex ican Ha t. We' ll have a noth er Chri stm as in Fc bru a r y on the Day of Purifi cati on! . Please fo rgive us fo r not be ing a ble to co rrect our mailing lis t - we' ll try to do bellc r nex t time. Write us again if you ca n. Kayenta Class |