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Show ( pct 1947 2 While we love our work, we appreciate the necessity of sometimes getting away from it, and this summer we get the y oung people ·to the Monticello Rodeo, and the rest of us, in two crews, spent several days at Mesa Verde National Park, where some of the most extensive and interesting prehistoricx cliff dwel l ings are to be seen and studied. Climax of the summerts activities was the visit of Bishop and Mrs Clark, September · 13 to 17. ·The Bishop confirmed four, two of whom rode thirty miibes or more on horseback for the occasion--- an~ one of those is so crippled that she can harly walkl The newly confirmed received the Ho~y Communion the following morning, at the Mass of Our Lady's Sorrows. Later that day we took the ---.;....-_ ... '- Bishop and Mrs Clark down to Monument Valley. On Tuesday, Fr Liebler and Br Juniper took the Bishop to Mon t ezuma Creek, to visit the hoghans we had seen in June. We expected to be back by nightfall, but in mid a fternoon the jeep sank in quicksands. Try as we could there was no extricating it, so Br Juniper re- ~ mained .and made camp for the night, and the Bishop and Fr Liebler " wa lkedAto the mouth of the creek, spent the night with a Navajo I~ f amily, borrowed horses and rode mack to the Mission,'varriving . )'W about two in the a fternoon. The idea was to get the weapons-car-rier and gOllto the rescue of the jeep and Br Juniper. To the amazement of the riders, both were already home, and preparing to start out as a rescue party themselves -- for Helen had gone at daVlm with the weapons carrier, followed the tracks of the jeep, snaked it out of the sands, with a little help,of course, and returned. You may think being a Bishop is a swivel-chair job, but that's not so in Utahl Bishop Clark s at down to a lunch of beans and corn, took himself a shower and shave, and was ready for the 350-mile drive to Salt Lake CitY, wi thin an hour of his return! *.,t-* *** *** *'l<-* *** HERE AND THERE NOTES ~---J-'--*** *** *** ****** We wonder if all our benefactors realise that the eucharistic s acrifice is offered on their behalf at leas t once every week at the Mi~sion. At this Mass, decea sed benefactors are r emembered by n ame, IF SUCH N P~ES ARE r~o~~ TO US~ All should l eave a memo with their wills or fin al wi shes, to the effect that we be informed of their departure. *** ( As we go to press, Fr Liebler is in Denver , attisting at the consecration of the new Bishop Coadjutor. . Newsletters should no*t* *p redict, but our readers will be glad . to know that we are mn correspondence with two younger priests who may want to try their voca tion with us. |