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Show J& ',(»4- ipomplete and the Indians equipped in them it will !><_.' a omuoh easier mattor to get othor Indians to take tho itcps o. 3 •'('. |.noces3ary to secure fund e from their surplus lands and jto do likowise. Moreover tho lndl_.no aro not n'ituajfced yp-a before when the Government built houses for them.3 At Or. _«"' A that time tho house was planned and built by tho agent ,'Jj-aid when oomplotod, on effort was made to get the Indian yto go into it. How tho Indian pays fo* his lumber, .he ^paj'B for his labor or does what he can of hauling and J)thor nooessary work and it io h±£ planning, and nltOgothor' 3 & U dolngiond there io Infinitely more reason to Jaope that 3.he will appreciate it ahd 'stay there. Hot only is thio ._(;Jfcru9, but the houses wo are building will be oreditsfto • 3' '• I • ,£tho various ooro.nnities and I bolieve that tho Indians .^ill be proud to be known as tho owner and inhabitant of • suoh premises. Were it not for the expensive transportation of tho lumber from the mill to tho building site, ooften a distance of 50 mil03, the houses would- bo very cheaply built,and ovon as it i^they will not bo exo^bitant- •yly expensive. A3 many Indians as have fund3 and aro:roally in pressing need of improvements will bo supplied beioro ' '• .y fll y another winter. 1 , '$ Thoro aro, however, sooros of Indians wjio "hate largo areas of surplus lmd,tfhioh ate indood p\tt>Xf&|InndB that oould be spared ana. the money wiooly exponAcid iri V . ' so" oqu 1 pping tliorose'ivop with homeo on their allotments.|- i 1 y FU |