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Show 2. Hi'ghto of way have boon obtained in all known oases, 300 feet on either side, 'and in no instanco can I find information that tho dip would bo suoh as to carry tho deposits outside tho rights of way. Many of the deposits have boen mined out. Thoy usually run about 600 foot into tho earth, when thoy "pinoh out", -or oontain so many "horses" (broken boulder or stone) that tho mining is without iprofit.. Ono and all agroe that the value of land located just out-sido the right of way of known deposits is in no way affected by Buch deposits more than land sevoral miles away. Fron. whence oomes these deposits no one knows, as no under ground explorations have been made bolow tho oarth fissures. But as no mining intor-osts havo thought it worth while to make those explorations it would Beem unwise to hold up those saloB by reason of possibil-itios. Geoligists have reported tho probable presence of oil or gas in thiB region of the state. About 200 miles east of horo are three wells now In prooeos of being Bunk. Recently I talked at length with one of the engineers, who soomod to bo a man of much exporlenoe in different parts of tho Unitod Statos. Ho invitod no to visit his well, saying I was welcome to inspeot the "log" of his well. I was unable i.o/&e, and he stated ho was thon down about 1260 font with no indications of oithor gas or oil. Ho soomed quito to doubt the existenoo of suoh at that point. I wont to onothor wo11, naid to bo down ovor 600 foot. Tho engineer was not oomraunioative, but did say ho had no indication BO far. The third well I know nothing of, but that no diooovor-ios had boon made. |