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Show the trouble took place: that the Indians Aora notified o.C the purpose of the wardens,and that they understood what this was: that during this time a. friendly feeling was manifested/(toward tin: Indians; that they traded with the squaws and that none of the wardens were in liquor and none was MZA;6. while there: that, after being there some tine, an attemp was made to disarm the Indians and arrest them, which attempt the Indians resisted and slipped Faway: that there was in tho camp, when tho wardens arrived, six Indian men, eight or ten Indian women and a .few children and that the Indian men were all armed in some manner and that the women had seme arms in thoir tents: that- in the final attempt to arrest the Indians an tndian, unexpectedly to all, fired his ^VA at one of the wardens, AI Shaw, and that as he was about .to firo,'a warden, Llr Ktmblry, standing near Shaw, struck the gun to one Aide, and the shot missed Sb.au and hit a woman: their at this moment the firing was commenced by tho wardens and Indians, which was participated In by about only five or six of the wardens and lasted but a few minutes, and when it had ceased it was found that oone Indian.-, hadeboen killed and some uoundod, and Shaw vras lying or. tin; ground in a senseless condition, having been stricken down by the Indian '.no had fired the first shot: that the x.-- lens thee v-f.-.-.t aw.'jy to Tiie "A". J.A; • inch. It is also shown by those .jtat.'.nontr. that there -as e/eleuce of :. . i i.kOTT Xiv.X.--' violated the r,amo X. A bv the preuo"._ee ..;. the e-xx,. of a f J \ys> \ large number of,,doer hides, large quantities of deer hair and too deer which had not been erosscd. There were also some beef hides, it is also show that the Indians had been anticipating the coming of the wardens, |