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Show v < " " IN rtt^lT TO TMC FOLLOWING,: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, '-'duoation OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, WASHINGTON. Ar,ril Q r,08 SU7..7PCT: Positions -and emnloyees at the Uintah School. Acting U. S. Indian Agent, Uintah and Ouray Agency, V/hiterocks, Utah. 'Air: An inspection of the salary list for tha Uintah Boarding School shows the following positions vacant: Principal, f900 Teacher, 600 Industrial Teacher, 770 t. Asst. Matron, 500 Asst. 7Y.mer, 670 You may employ temporarily until further notice the foil o'ai rig p ern on s. Charles A. f3urr.itt of V/hiterocks, Utah, as Principal at Y'9oo per annum; Lucy ?r. r.o.rr.er of 'Whiterocks, Utah, as asst. matron at 7500 -per annum; and Pdwin .7. Johnson, 444 Past Pirst Youth Street Salt naka City, Utah, an assistant farmer a.t :v'360 'u-r annum. You have written the Office that Janes 3. rCelley farmer at 7:720 ver annum, yms unfit for the Indian Service and on March 25 the Office directed you to prefer charges against hin ar-.d allow him a reasonable time in which to answer. A telegram ha-, today been sent to you asking what action has been taken in |