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Show lt:fv si ..-ply to 'JutJoUammf t L-uid* ao__..au.. . gei-artmtttt of flu. gnienar^jfr i OFFICS C ? INDIAN A.FFA.HS, 1 WASHINGTON, July 18, 1903. The Honorahle, The Secretary of the Interior. Sir: The office is in receipt, hy Department reference, . . for consideration and report, of a communication from Indian Inspector, James McLaughlin, dated May 30, 1903, reporting the result of his negotiations with the Uintah and White River Utes of the Uintah Reservation, Utah, relative to the opening of their reservation. The Inspeotor reports that of the 159 Uintah and 121 White River male adults belonging to the Uintah Reservation, - a total of 280 mala adults - only 73 of the Uintahs and 7 of the white Rivers, a total of 32 male adulte, could he induced to sign the paper prepared hy him, giving their assent to the provisions of the acts opening their unallotted lands to settlement. He states that whil3t the signatures of a majority of the male adults of the Reservation were not obtained, he fesl3 that he accomplished all that could reasonably he expect-ed, considering the attitude of the Indians in reference to the matter when he reached the Agency, they being then unanimously opposed to the opening of their Reservation |