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Show 20749] A.G.O. D HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT CF THE COLORADO, Denver, Colorado, November 28 , ' 9S Adjutant General, U.9.Army, Washington, D.C. S i r : I have the honor to in\rIte attention to enclosed copy of trie report or Captain Guilfoyle, 9th Cavalry, commanding Fort Du Chesne, U tide, upon the recent conflict between Indians and sheep herders on the Ute Reservation, and to invite especial attention to the report of Lieutenant Young, 9th Cavalry, who commanded the troops sent, out to investigate the disturbance and to restore order. By iris prompt action and goad judgment, as well as that of his post commander, further bloodshed has probably been averted for the present. However, this violc nee hues been so manifestly the resu. I of unfavorable conditions reported by Colonel McGregor, whose r< oart, dated August 8th, was forwarded as an enclosure to my letter of August 12th (copies of both enclosed herewith) that I beg a.rain to ask attention to those reports, and especially to the fact that the late disturbance controverts the agent's claim that only unused lands v/ere included in the grazing permit. It. is unreasonable, if not impossible, to expect these savages to keep the peace- and be won over1 to civilisation if such irritating agencies and methods ace permitted to arouse their' native p_ 'Oi.; !•'•- i t; es . V e ry r e s p e c t fu 11 y , y our obedi o iit servan t, (Signed) li. C. MERRIAM B r i g a d i e r G e n e ra 1, Comma nding. |