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Show I Washington, D.C., January 7, 1899. Hon. Commissioner Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C. Sir: Concluding our work as the Uintah (LIte) Indian Commission, re have the honor to report that: entering on duty as such Commission Septpmber 1st, 1693, v/e immediately applied ourselves to tho subject in hand. Having up till that date served as the Uncompahgre Cdmmission, we were familiar with the conditions that entered into the execution of the law under which we were appointed; - the Act approved June 4,1898. The Uncompahgres, Uintahs and b-nite P.ivsrs, each constituting a band of the Uto tribe and all under one Agency; living practically together in friendly and close relations-v/i th similar habits and customs, with the sane history, traditions and lav/s. it is inevitable that what affects one band touches all. The V/'hite Rivers claim an interest in the Uintah Reservation- and the Uncompahgres were, in part, settled upon a restricted portion of said reservation; and by agreement effected last winter by the Commission, of which Mr. Barge is Chairman, the Uncompahgres may take allotments in severalty thereon; so that practically, dealing with one branch of the subject involved the interests of all the bcanus and we found the Indians informed and vigilant as to the situation. At tire time we entered upon our duties, September 1st, a change of Agents wars impending, which unavoidably delayed tire convening of the Indians in teres tod^ in full and general Council.which was held as soon thereafter as practicable, to wit: October 15,1698. In tiie meantime the Commission .addressed itself to the task of making a full and careful inspection of the lands involved. This was made A* „•> |