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Show •0tfM m.-pS$m*,Y " '" ~ zi y 7,. ;A 77^ INTER-MOUNTAIN MINING REVIEW. &£&•*+«?£ A\% the Asoonei sAV ;w-U'np§'oiilxpi aye it qt, figWti tht&urts, • but ;a!^»re4_ke^f t # r f with- armed reflisita.-weV.frpm'^lotl^flQr;} catora before getting tlUestothesfe-ya^ uable mineral i deposits. --A". ' • vtf>W These same -asphaltum- lands were. located a number , of ..year*' ago by Judge A. C. Hatch, of Heber City. and. sevei-al people living, at;,Vernal and lr_- eustern Colorado.',- i •:,"•• ;T >'••'•''•- ...•A"-,. : Afs the time these Aocations were made by these ,narties,,_t - w ^ b e U 3ved^ that'the lando were outside of the- Imtf dIan. reservation, bill.^Subsequent, sjrrv* veTd^monstratedF the-' fact thatvvttoejrj - were within preservation lines.-; *'«./ When.' tihia wa8 .discovered the-,com-. m'ander at';;:-tie4m--l'tary*v pocft,', o£XUU-i; chesvne drove! thei'mineral- claimants out-.: of the- reservation and!*ever since/the-, soldier* havei-drftfenjDfOspectpirs from- .hfrco^ted lakd-.dtha. l^^tffiw&irtJy^ <meresniea Wltfi tl» ^BuiffyJcouajtaft AsnR ler.'now Veijnal^nd'.^^-^es^ocaj^ tOTs'were^'ed-.fi^'^'ejre^eTtatlonfM ,'soldiers(.4reco^jji^'kep^'the:affa.ti,i. which ,^ras>l^i;%^^lW4W#.^sffl '••'TiLi3:-beIng!itlhe-t^^e.^The';,rFriop.1Jo<ia;^ •'tisfs 6f these-aaphaHu^'depo9lts:,ex'pe*^; tor be givenVthe 'pa^erence-v^e^tHey bl oodBhed 1 fc'the*lWn ens'.'/ en ^yfSMM •perieel! the_B*tftl»tA^the«-)Jand«gW^j A Leading land^aJttoriieys maintain, thlty ;thiB'.,'KObhUng^iip^(0Cnhese-'ilasph^tUA< taepo^iw-b^SaJb-^kei-flAs-meg^;;tiridi | lfi^y.of:th^ece-it'iloca£or8i)ar,e,of?tW,. !ot^qlonnhaXvthiy|.h-d.vci;any^ut*tVclalrni» ,to..the5.oV)an;tf»j!>lWlf'i-iey,;,ha-^-jvt<aoi.W' order-.'to pr&veAthAty.-hey (w^4»-!#MQ la to' apply,*brig j'P^f^ # & h & M l @ dlolecules. • At.any moment.; therefore) w e nay. hear of the transmutation ot metals'-- having-}'become • an'accom-2 J pllshed • fact In-some laboratory;,of this ^country-or .Europe. -.'. Accordingly,. It '•Ivviiseemed to me.to be prudent to enter! piy 'caveat',,and.thus protect what lAConcelve to bo m y rights* ,The timed for; producing-my evidence^ and estab- Jllshlng. the; validity of .'my caveat will /notarrive untlUoome- rival. claim shallj (b«.put-.for-ward.!<i Meanwhile,-1 am, perT fectly^content- to^ be.dubbed a, 'crank.J ia^'dupe,.', a*.'dreamer,',, a' charlatan," os icj^recelya j, any^ther™. ot,.. -. the-js3 pretty nameBJ. thatsjsecond-rate .scientists, are) \accn3tomed^Hjto*f employ'AwhenX fa.ced/ ^THdtbiiwhat. theyridon't qulta;understand. /Ehtfmore wlderspreaoVthe,conviction.of' 4-h*y second-raters, and\the.,money,.jpar- : ketjthat,gold cannot.bo-made from sll- > vera the. better. I shall be pleased.". .'• r ^DrtrEramens then-quotes-from a let-. teirwrltten byhlm-to a firm of Denver ; chemists/ who- had. asked for some further? Information.- Replying to their request,-he- said: "The interests.. Involved- are. "by far too Important to allow of m y entering Into details, much as I should like to do so, from a purely scientific point of view. Indeed, it Is hardly to be expected that m y associates and. I will, ever claim to be successful on a practical scale in the large technical establishment w e are orga: izing. If gold is to remain sjjJU«il'BTc"at the standard price, it mustF/not be al- ' "' J-~- '*" A1 ' - ~-i--A -,,_, a TTlfl.liu-facturing sold. I a m , of the opinion that if such absolute. Incontrovertible.. proof were mad© public at th». present t time, the effect would be to etrlke a w a y :.'/ the foundation of all commence, and I thus to cause widespread confusion and i ruin to prevail." f•<,':••''' 7'7SxJ As we Interpret' the foregoing .ex- .1 presolonfl.-Dr. U m i m n . seeks to con- J vey the idea that his- discovery Is quite j beyond tho: comprehension of men of] ordinary Asc.ent.flo attainment; that however much be might desire "to-explain" it. the-welfare of the financial' a.nd commeroia I world demands that his future operations remain, enshrouded ln£ a.-veil-of mystery. The public willt dra-wr-'ite-own conclusions,, but w e ape-x willing' to risk the consequences of any a proof that he. la- able-to accomplish! what he clalma to have pcrform<?d.' Thei Eng.lneerlng and Mining Journal com-^ me-its editorially .on'hlsctatements-aei follows: .,-.-"j.; ,-;.-• . -_- .'-.-'"Jif y --- --. &i "So far as our knowledge 'goes there*' I., i.othlng ^yet known that gives any^J firm ground for a belief.hi the U^ns-^ mutation of the elements; in fact, the^ tendency of scientific -Investigation. seems to lead to the opposite conolu-A slon. Neither is there anything In Dr.: E m m m s ' 3 statements that would convince- any oareful investigator that he has succeeded In converting silver into ggjji.- i r.rhaca Dr. Emmens's 'dJs<;ov- "*ery' Is only lift present poldtioal pur- P0HC8." Reservation Locations. II. is widely known that the asphaltu m fields of the Uncompahgre Indian reservation are the richest in the world. Ill addition to the large deposits of asphaltic rock, there are great veins of gilsonlte (pure asphaltum) that, with reasonable transportation r..F:lll-lien, can be .worked at great profit, as the product sells for" $60 to $100 per Mil In Die Eastern markets. The announce- . ment, therefore,' that fifty-five loca--! lions, covering 1100 acres, had been .- made upon these lands, all within thc-J limits of the reservation and extend-7 ing acrons.it east, and;west, has cfeatedij .iomt.lhlng.of a sensation among mining^ PeopIe.and^causedX" SW*1 deal, of- cori-J? ..?c™fit^i.ti>e1SlarE'e^ •been patiently"waiting?for-the reserya^. 11 oil to beAhrown'open^ as directed byS Coiigrei.ii.. -twol:y"eai-n:£agq.??F.OI'••'som^| : years' iieveral. strong : syndics ten, havet1 been,.fighting each other'for (lie por.-J? session.o_" theseViands," arid all havcA been advocating various'.'schemes to5 exclude thegenerar'publicXbul, It does^- not appear; that 'the ' recent,,. locatloh.X were made in the. interest'of any'of'. thesej organized"•'coinbinatlonii.' .They".1! j were made by-the State-"Coal Xfh,7^ Inspector,' and-among the locators arf*? . .he'. Governor' "and_"the"' Secretary; ""of % . Slate.-.; • Following,.axe"th"e; n a m e , of thex ' Ipcat ors :iA'- ,Vf?v*J 'f'ZfY^^^Zii^, ',''Joseph .TenlcIn3,'.T...:\r^'Thoman;X."-I>_^ Wtlby; \v: O.-.-jprrcll. F.-.T. McGurr'liijL liThomas v L-Ipyd,^ X " CX Shipp,' - Harvey^ Hardy.:^ AV"-;HA:vC(iwfe,XDan' Lloyd-A Charles, King7X':'MAMorris,,'.WlllIajTii .Iglehnrt^AVAH.'' BraridXGerald OAp'i . T._irBA«-.'* ;m'-r,,J.„'-../F™, _- r_: -g,^ •7X: |