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Show I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS 15 District No. 1, with headquarters at Yakima, Wash., comprises Oregon, Washington, and northern Idaho, the larger projects included being the Yakima, Famath, Colville, Lummi, and Kootenai. District No. 2, wlth headquarters at Blackfoot, Idaho, comprises southern Idaho, Utah, and Nevada, the larger projects being Fwt Hall, Uintah, Waker River, Pyramid Lake, and western Shoshone. District No. 3,. with headquarters at B i i s Mont., comprises Montana, Wyommg, and South Dakota, anf hcludes Blackfeet, Fort Belknsp, Flathead, Crow, and Wind River rojects. District No. 4, with head %u arters at. Los AngeP e s, Calif., comprises California and Anzona sout of the Santa Fe Railroad and lncludes the San Carlos, Colorado River, Yuma, Fort Apache, San Xavler, Papago, Salt River, Mission, Tuolumne, Tule River, and other miscellaneous reservations in Caliiornia. District No. 5, with headquarters at Albu I?u erque, N. Mex., com- prises New Mexico, northern Anaona and olorado, and includes a11 the pueblos, with the exception of, the Middle Rio Graqde con-servancy work as i t apphes to the Indian pueblos, the Nava~ore ser-vation, Mescalero, Jicarilla, Zuni, Pme River, Hogback, Ganado, and other miscellaneous projects. An engineer is tq be af lp ointed to handle the pueblo matters affected by the M~ddle lo Grande conservancy district activities. There are 205 projeots on the books, of which 80 were active during the Iast year, with approxhate total wsts to June 30, 1929, for con-struction of $37,104,000; for operation and mruntenance, $10,284,000. The constrytion repayments have been approximately $1,271,000, and operation and maintenance.repayplents, $3,400,000. The total area of land under constructed mf atJon works is 754,000 acres, an increase of 44,500 acres during t e past ear; the total acreage irrigated during 1928, 387,552 acres. Of t& amount the acreage irrigated by Indians wwas 124,316, the area irrigated by lessees 103,578, and by white owners of land 159,658 acres. There is an estimated total of 1,358,761 acres of irngable lands under project?. The estimated cost to complete these projects to supply all of the migable laud is $31,000,000. There have been &pproramately 242 wells, 300 springs, and 34 ponds developed to date for domestic and stock water. These are most1 in Arizona and New Merdco, with by far the largest number on the gavajo reservatiops. The costs for construction durmg the year were about $3,750,000 and the costs for operation and maintenance about $750,000. Col-lections for construction were approximately $150,000 and for operation and maintenance $400,000. Of the lai-zer oroiects on wloh croo census was taken the crov value was $15,09b,li4 from 314,021 acres. One of the major activities was the construction of the Coolidge Dam on the Gila River to supply water for irrigation of the .Sari Carlos roject in Arizona. The construction of ths dam, which is of the muEiple-dome type, 250 feet in helght, was practically wmpleted and the riverdiversion opening closed on November 15,1928. Owing to the extreme drought no water has been stored, and water conditions generalIy are worse th? for many yeqs. In comect~onw ~t hth e dam a power plant consisting of two unlts of 6,250 ,kilowatts each is being installed. Practically all, of the equipment 1s on the ground and it is expected that the installation will be completed by September, 1929. The limit of cost for the dam and power plant is $6,050,500. |