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Show BEPORT OF 'PHI3 aOMMI88IONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS 41 TABLEN o. 3.-Localirm, capacity, enrollment and avsr cttsndanoe, etc, oj achook during fiscal year ended ~une'30,1##4>ontinued 4 I B lss .......................... 08 Station ................... San Carlos ..................... peridat ........................ Sells suwrierlntendenoy. ............. Sank Roaa .................... san zapier ..................... Sells ......... : ................. vamo rl ........................ A n e m ....................... Alo ..................................... ............... Cowlic : Loudas ....................... pissinem0 ..................... San Migusl .................... Do ......................................... St. Anthony's St. Joseph's .................... St. John's ...................... St. Miohael's .................. Towwa ....................... Tuaon Training ............... Superiotendenoiea apd names of scbwls Adwne-Continued. San Carlw suparintendency ....... AT". Aver. Cllu1 0fscb001 -- 439 w ........................ .......... Bishop Bi Pine ............ : ~ n ~ ~ p ~ n dwc.e.......-.~.. ..... Pine Cmek .................... Fort Bidwell ...................... port ~ u m..s.. .................... Hmpa Valley. ..................... Mi s s i i o n~~r i n k n d e.n.e..~.. .... cm* ........................ Mesa Qmde: ................. Pala ........................... Ilinmn ........................ Val-n ......................... 9t. Bonilara ......... : ......... Eacmmentosu~ntendecny ...... A ....................... Burrough ...................... Pinoli~4ll.s. ................... Tule River .................... Yokais ........................ North Fork .................... Sherman .......................... Colorado: Consolidated Ute sup~rin. tendency ............................ AUsn .............................. Ute Mountain ..................... I Not in SBSSion. Theodore Rwvelt ............... Tmxton Canon .................... Westem Navajo suwrintendency.. W e s h NsWo ............... Mrnh PBgs 1 .................. Moeneopi ...................... California. ............................. Bishop superintendene~.. ......... -------- ji1!50 .T................. ...... =--= - --I, EM 1.775 -1,841 - 140 251 88 -- 24 1,537 nun. Nonreservation bmrding, Reservation homing. DO. DO. D89. |