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Show 22 COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 10 acres of nonirrigable land. The allotment work on the Umatilla Reservation in Oregon was continued, and a total of 798 allotments were a proved, embracing approximately 64,000 acres. On the Bad River k eservation in Wisconsin 545 allotments were made and ap-proved, embracing approximately 12,000 acres. These allotments contain 20 acres each, and are supplemental to allotments previously made under the act of August 1, 1914 (38 Stat., 582-605). On the Lower Brule Reservation in South Dakota. 20 allotments were av-proved. embracing spproximarely 3;2& acrhs. nlltl "11 the ChrYen;le River Reservation. South Dakota. 194 allotments were nu~rorede. ni-bracing apE r oximktely 32,000 acres. I n addition to t6e foregoing, allotments ave been made and approved during the year on other reservations as follows: Number Resenadan. The surplus lands of the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana have been allotted under the acl of June 30, 1919 (41 Stat. L.,. 3-16). These allotments consist of 828 original allotments of approximately 320 acres each, and 3,485 additional allotments of approximately 80 acres each. The schedules containing these allotments have been re- Colorado River, Aris ................................................................ Pallon, Nev.. .......................... ; ............................................ Welkec River, Nev ................. : ................................................ Warm Springs, Oreg ............................................ : .................... b Klamath, Oreg .................................................................... ceived but not yet approved. Allotments have been made to the Camp McDowell Iiidians in Arizona, consisting of 221 al!otments of grazing land of approxl-mately 100 acres each, embracing lands on the camp McDowell Res-ervation, and 227 allotments ?f irrigable lands on the Salt River Reservation containing approximately 5 acres each. No action has vet been taken on the allotment schedule,pending a thofough in- Gestigation of the entire Camp McDowell situation. This investiga-tion has been ordered. I t is the purpose of the office to see that the property rights of the Camp McDowell Indians are fully protected and that everything possible is done to promote their best interests. A schedule of 358 allotments to the heirs of deceased persons on :the Crow Reservation, Mont., was received on June 29. The allot-ments aggregate 160 acres each; no action has yet been taken on this schedule. PTJBLIC-DOAIL~UAIITNM ENTS.-T~w~e~r~e 417, allotments made and approved on land on the.public domain in various States. These comprise an area of approximately 66,720 acres and were made in accordance with the rovisions of the act of Congress of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat., 3887, as amended. Durlng the previous fiscal year the regulations governing publjc-domain allotments were amended so that an Indian woman married to an, Indian man, who has him-self received an allotment on the publlc domaln or is entitled to one, is eligible to file an applic?tion in her own name, provided.she is otherwise qualified. ,A considerable number of new applications hare been filed by applicants having that status and a large number 92 17 1 1 3 ArrcJ. 920.00 170.W 20. m 160.00 479.47 |