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Show 162 BEEF (GROSS) REEF (GROSS). 163 IN0'rR.-Figorea in large type denote the ratea st which aontraota have been nwaded; awsrdn were made on aompariaon of aarnplen al i iol~ao emnpanied bias.] 4 5 6 7 8 9 Port A aoba Aria ................... 10 sonth8te ~ k n o gC,OI O ............. 11 12 13 14 Port Hall Amnay, Idaho ............. 15 Lemhi Aganoy. Idaho ................ 16 17 Lemhi Sahool, Idsho ................. 18 ............ 10 Blaokfeet Agenay, Mont 20 21 22 oln one or two deliveries, aa the Indian agent may reqnire. h" .M..n..".+..h..l.n... ,.s.,.i.r.a r-r .. .. c r,<,,,r,, ,Is d.18~8 d' l r.,del>s.rn.r rcs lse mule Ostm J l ~ l gI ta h.?r..mh. r I 1,: On, dvllror\ in Sorenbor actm~.irtti t a 1k.t umsl l l a y 1, WU2; !I.-" ,vn-dt I i r~,~>rn > l ~ f n r ~ I ~ ~ , lL L Y~ ~~~t ~! ~~ so~o i. .~ , i ~ .~tto~%c ,ku#Lo.~U-Fr ~ ~ ~ , t i . I . I S I a r cI i I i i h I r63~ll;tll ". where tbeyexe nowransing. - .. e A a rpqolred f ~ omJu ly 1 ta Ootoberl. then sufficient to last until May 1 ; anring May and Xone as requ,reo. f A8 reqoired to October 1, then euffioient llntil May 1. then May and June as reqoirad. All beef to h. 9-m Pnlnrdn native nattl*~ ",u j Monthly deliveries aa required. k Ualiaerias ha re "ired to Octobsr I, then sufflcien8 tolaac to Xay and in May and Jone aa reqnired. 1 Deliveries week% ax the aervlce msyrequirs, or infuxtv defieliseri&, as required, from July 1 to Ooto-ber 20.1891. A11 cattle rs.ised and Kintared north of the south liue of Kanaan rnweekly deliveries. n Monthly, or from July 1t o No~embs r1 , delivered in from two to foo~bn nches, aa may be oalled npon. o In two deliveries, one dalkaryio July, 1891,suKoient to last until Septomber30,18SI, balance to be delivered between September 30 and Ootober 20. 1891. in one delivery, iinduding increase. Nat,ives Of Id&h0 Bindnorthern Utah. P One delivery, iualuding inorsnae between August 25 and Septenlbar 25,1891. Natives of Idaho and nmthorn Utah. q Monthly delivery to Ootpber 1 ; on October 1 anpplr what will be reqnired till April 1,1882. April, Msv and June monthly dalxvery. or a'ivill auppl; on October 1 one'dsliver~o f beef required to fill remainder of oontrsot from April 1. Till atall toed from November 1 1881 to ksg I 1892. 1Dsliverr aarenuired from.Jd.y 1 tb ~otube:~, then sufficient to laet to Wayl. Dorinp Mag and June as required. Dc,itbla-wintered xontana oattle. uhlonthly as required uotil October 20,lsQl wbnn final deliaeryshall be made,inclndin increme Any beef &qnired in M a y and June, 1892,30 pdr cnnb extra to price. Nativea of ~ d a b aon $ northsr; Ubah. o As required uotil Oatober then bslonoqinohlding inorease. WAS reqoired mtil October: then aofficient to lnat ontil May I, inoloding inoreaee, May sod Jnne, %a reqnired. ZAa required llntil Ootober,then snffioient to lsnt until April 1, inoloding inoreaae, April, May, and June, aa required. .,r' ,...r.,.m..t.h..l.n.. .. 2 1 ' ? ' ~ #11e 1,fg rszin oatlleon an? part n l llnc rer?rrlrin!t m potnot tucet~lblyd elisrrilu. Dol~hlr. aisl*,rrd \Iuotana c.cf8e. I f an#onfI1Isd *liv*rs ia fskoo, thevxlxr~d nsa' nollce to ba glsen i i 25par can, ,I.I.I*.I,,I, ?*kc,,. t'o~rulim qua,,,,,y. &#nu animalsnot apouidel, |