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Show Bohcdule ahowing the names of Iiadian reservations in the Uuited Statee, anenoies, fviw occupying or belonging to the reac+tation, So.-Continued. w 00 00 Namof m a e m t i o ~ A m 1 &meof t h 6 b e w p ~ b g m m ~ m D"OfkOW orL**thodt~*Yb. meme. wn aoxlw--aont'd C (Jemes ......... aooms:.. ..... SirnJ0 an..... pionria ........... San Belipe Pewa ........ Cachiti ....... SantoDomingo TB09. .......... .......... ........................... ........ Poeblo. Santa Clara. .Poeblo Posblo : Tesuque ...... San Ildefonso. pojoaque ..... zia ........... ssndia ........ Isleta ......... Wsmbe ....... a110 080 1113: 580 Lagma.. ..... i bi25 225 Santa ha.... I 1 2nd ................... 1117: 861 Poeblo ........... Pueblo ......................................... 215,040 336 Eaaootive orders &l: 16 1871 May 1 1883,snd ~ s r . 8 1885. (Ares of b W m l & panih~ a n &17, , 541.25acre~.i Total.. ........................................................................ .:. ... O.B& 525 l b 8 79 Allegany ............. New Y a k . ....... do. ............ Oil Spring ................. do ............. OneIda. .................... do. ........... Onondaga.. ................ do :............ 8eint Regla ................ do ........... Tonswands ................ do ............. . . Ooond*ga, Senecs, 8nd Tonswands ........... WO. 468 Csvup, Onondag% Seneos, Tonawands, and 'b21. @a0 Tllsmmra. Senem. ....................................... 840 Oneida ........................................ SM Ouoicla, Onondaga, and Tonawmda. .......... 8,100 Saint Regis ................................... 14,840 C&ttaraugos. Cayuga, andTonswmdabsndoi bT,649 Seneca. 6 tiesof Sept, 15, 1707, vol. 7, o. 601, and of &v 20. 51 orq 10, ,, p. L"+., -f&ngemenwt ith the State of New Yolk. (See an- * t. 1677, p. 166.) 07. 11 1184 voL 7, 44, and arrangement k t s t e oP~e~! z~~ogr ke.e an nual repor2 1877, .... do ............. ..................... sf Treaty of Jan. 15 1838 701. I 551, and a m a tnen (grant and rchaer) betweeh%ielodiansmdt i e ~ o l . 6'zr9 1 / land grnD(aSene mya.1 re port, 1817, p. 167.) ~ ~ ----- - -+ I(OPTE CdUOLII(A. Q ~ & ~ ~ ~ EvwtmemCdhm)kee . Beatam band of Nmth Csmlms Chemkee.. ... { i% ;y! eion., rn - Gmd Bonde .......... (irend b d e ..... 1 galapoays, IUakamq Loekimpte. Xolele, r6&440 I 80 Traatieaof Jan. 2% 1855, vol. 10. p. 1141, and of Dso. 21, 2 1855, vol. 1a.p. 082; Executive order ,Itt>te a0,1857. - K l ~ ~...t..h... ....... K h a t h . ......... 1 , m Tr aW of Oat. 14, 1864, rol.18,p.707. IPI Xalhenr Silete .................. Umatilla ............. Warm Sprlnpe ........ dlI Ex!e?7eSuiMJanv.e o2rd8e,1r8s7, 6M, Jaur.l y1 42.3 ,1 l8x7n1o. , RSouglr~. tI.? , lH72. MI, 16, I:,. In*:, lltd klhy Nentoooa, Xo e R~ver, 8hnham, Shasta, Tomwater anT'um u. Immath ~ & d o ~k ~ r i Wb a~lpaeps ,andYa- 61,056,000 hnslriobana ofsnake (dhoshonl). Phi-ute and Snake (shoshoni) (e) ............. Sileb. ............ Urnatill. .......... Warm Springa. ... Total ................................................................................ a UTAE T&BBITOPY. aal 420 I25 &iya CaqoeU Kosa Rogoe River Skoton. ~hasts*~. aiostkis,~ i n s bw~,o otod's, Um. qoa, snd thi* others. Cayose, UmatlUa, and WeUa wall^ .......... JohnDag, Pi.Utq Tmino,Wsrm Sprinp, sod Waek0. XL, ,a&% un9r,a1t8i5n5e,d a ntrde a~tey dAn.n, gis: lal,sl.8 85.e 5; M:L ~xc,f nCoUuIIuYIr.Uto,*. r d~sPmP.I UNVo( Iv<.I 5 Mar, 3 1875 701.18, b 410. Traepaptyro dvfe ~d duu6g8e.. 51 815858,2v o\."lI.. 1I22, p,p. .9 24851, .a nd sot of Conpes. Treaty of J ~ m2e5 ,'18r5.'~ol.1 2, p. 963. $. 0 da25.000 d268,800 464.000 . Uintsb Valley. ........ Unoompshgre ............. Total a Approximste. b Ootbaondaries sorveyed. 0 Snrveged. d Partly aurveyek s Not on reservation. P UntahandOor~y. do ............. ~ o d u t ~e a v s n 4 u i a&y smps, ~ m d m m and white River Ute. ~abeqosoheu t a. ............................. ............................................................................... &z,039,040 1,893,440 3 972,480 -- I- 3.186 a, 021 6,201 ~xeaot.ivoer der Oot 3 1861; aat of Conereem approved May 5,1864.vdl. 18,p.b. ~xeout ivosr der, ~ a4a iea a E |