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Show REPORT OF AGENT IN COLORADO. 19 POLICE. . This branch of the servioe at this agenay may be called failure; not but what there is goad material here for Indian police, but because they have no acooulmo-datioos whatever at the agonoy. Coold anitable quarters be prouicled, aud a full ration be issued, whioh would insure their presence here st all times, diacipliue could be est,aMished and they would doubtless become efioient ant1 be ot great aerviee to t,he agent. EDUCATION. Out of the 27 children srnt to Alhcrqmrqae Indian sehool in May, 1m3, 3 of that number have died fronr sickness. The remaining 24 are nlnliiug satiafaotory progress. lam authorized to buildasehool-houw here, with &view of rstabliuhiug a day-~chool. This I consicler a premstnrc more, as I am oertaiu it will be nsat. to impossible to secure an attenrtance. hly idea of educrting an Iodiau is to learn him to work and earn his own living. By doingthis he beoomes located ; you will know where to find him. Yon could take his ehildrou iuto xdag-8cbool then wit,h aome cart,nintg of hav-ing a r egul a~a ttendance. With the preseut condition of atiaiairs I consider the estab-lishnlent of a day-school will be a failure. Under thir head there is a question whether t,hese Indians ere goilty or not. Dnr-ing the nton:h of Jllly there was an attack made on Indians by cattle-men s l~ou2t0 milea west of tbr ressrvation line, the oattle-men olaiu ing the Indians t<b, e Sonthern TTtcs and havirtg it, large number of thnir horses. The Utesdeny the sisteluerrt, and say the %hieves iwe leurgade Indians, that belong to no agency, 01" which olaxs of In-dians altout 4UO live in Utah. However, it wonld not be surpritiing if ~onrso f the renrgaden belongingto this agency (of whioh there are alwovrs more or less in any tribe) were engaged ln the tro!tble referred to. SUPPLIES. The snpplies titrnisherl last year wem largely deficient for the number of Indians rrho reeeirecl rmtious. I bare 991 Iurliaua 0x1 this reservatiou. About 800 receivers-tioils ever)- week; the remaining 2JO freqoent tile anonoy naldom, except to rsoenve ens11 anrluitie~u r clothing. Tbis visit i~ made abont twice syaer. For these 800 In-dianudnringlnstyear1 n-nsfnmished75,UOOpaondsof flour, 100,000 pounds of beef, 200 ponncls of coffee, nnd3,600 poundsof sugar, and am expected to keep them 011 a reser-ration where no game to speak of exists. The fact is simply this: itia illqIn88ibla to keep starving Indians on a reservation when thoy can go into the tnoutlt~tit~hvo t, a few miles and getplentyof gameto nnbsiston. They r i l l eithordothnt or kill oaltle, whiah gmza on the reservation by the thonsaod, and the lntlin,ns receive un benefit for the same. The Ilrdia~ls say that bofore they aent their children to school and commenced farming they had plenty to eat. I consider the present action OIL the part of the Government a reward for depredations. Why 7 Reoauae ns soon as an Iodirsn nhcrws a. disposition to become civilized the Governlnent outs off his rations, and he mnrit either stcsl or starve. ZEA8ING LAND Last Ootober these Indians leased a, portion of their reserva.tion to Xr. Edwsrd Wheeler, of Port Lewis, Colo., for grazing pnrpones, snl,jret to the action of the Depnrt,ment, and wrre t,o reoeire $10,11110 per year in advance for the priviie~e. This amount of money eqnally dirided aruong the Indians, as it would have been bad the lease been epprnved, aould have solla far towsrda their support. The Department refused to reeog.nize any agreement. of tltia kind, md of ooorae it wont by default. At the rrsnle tilne there ir, and has been since t,he establishment of this agency, cattle graziug on the reservation, for which tha Indiana receive no benefit. This part of my report has been referred to so often and by so many different in-spoetara, &o., I deem it hardly neoensnry to makemention of the situation. However, I will say tbat the buildings for tba storage of supplien and the aoeommodartioo of the agent sncl his employhe consist of two old log bnildings, which are instlfleient for acou~nmodationa nd comfort of agent and employha and unsafe for the protwtion of supplies. The dwelling-house is overrun with vermin. After repeated efforts I |