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Show REPORTS OF AGENTS IN COLORADO. 21 in^ src i~ia~nlnllyn ,la by ~ C T A ~ u~ ~L ~J I )O*L IF. I I S : ~ I I I ~ of ~1.eic ns#li herd of ~.a!rien srl few lh~n1 of i#l,rsc.i u,i~irht lctxj. I..lvc !hanno. 1 to i.leli iuyl \!,ill IIUIh a - ~OV( I I I I EBI I IU ; imtd thdl the more .c6iotr* rmI.vi 01 I ~ n l i ~Ut tT ) I I ~ ; ~ ? D.. I I ~o i~ S V I I P - ~~Pao~r ,.h~-u~~~i ,u u i rn.nt zro.~lrie are circnlated 67 irres~onsiblep hsons; who have orud~lys elfiih snd dishone; .pu rp.o ses to 8WV8. The health of the Indians hss been generally ood. They suffer from very few different diseases, and were it not for one or two diseases, fi should asy, perhaps, for aneand theothers which this one iuwrrably induees.) by whiah mmarlg of them are aii%.faieted, I do not see why tbey would not increase in numbers if left in the uodigturhed possession of their land here. A supply of tnedieiue sufficient for its wants was furnished tile xgeaoy IsSt year by the De-partment. I have no regulnl. physician, aud the remedies enlled far were neeesssrily simple. The agency teilel,er has tnlren charge of these, supplies, and has given thsm out to sick Indians who applied to her. She has treated 210 oaucs. I estimate that, were the provisions furnished this agency iswed continuonsly in regular rations to the Indinzrs here, and were they to remdu at or quite near the sgeucy, and depend upon ~heses upplies entirely for their support, I would have enough tokeep my Indians about foor moetha of the yew. Cinder the plan which has necesshl.ily been followoil, I have made the supplies hold olrt until about the 1st of Joly each year, or through eight months and a half. For the past three years, huwever, there have been between three aed four months each year when no pnwisions (except beef, killed from their own hard, not boucht with money from yearly approprintit>ns) have been issued to Indiana. About one-third, thers-fore, of the anpport of t h ~ s aIn disna is derived fro," the treaty appropriation, while two-thirds af ii is derived iiotn their own e.ff~xts~ n adctu al labor; almost none of this, however, from the parsuits of oivilised life. Between ten snd twelve thouvaud dollars' worth of skins sod fors have been disposed of by tire Indians at the one tradinpport at the agency, nod psr-haps nearly as much mow st the five or six other points where they go to tmde froin time to time. The Indinus have shown less nnwilliogness to ~ d o ptth e plan for them of farm-ing than they have previously. Altozether nine families, inoluding Douglas, the head chief, hsve been engaged to some extent in pl&utio,o and the care of crops; ntrd, up to the time when they we1.e callad awey by the military upoo the Sioux enpeditbm, they took con-siderable paius in keepine their smltli orop frca from weeds. I expect that tbey wiii hltr-vests eoud cror, of Dotaloes in the fall to oav and enoourna-e thsm. I 1ha;:r built A".. -1;) % 1 1.u~~ . ~ r ~ t w ~ ~I.ti~w ;Ls.I.i~~b i i tvo ';IWp r~uninentc hi-fs, ~.hictt( bey h a o i l i t i t I 1 . 0 I_IIZU 11, ,nchs. FIIPo :hvi 11. ii~4.iI UVP adkl. l l;)r 0 8 , I r e I c I t i t . I L I l l s v i ~ ~%ra inoarr nT)~.nmri*!wl for this purpose, I a& able to build only &s fast as I oan mitnage"to spare the icmme'of the regular etnploy6s from the other wa1.k of the aseucy, tnueh of which must necessarily fil-at h"a" ".A"n"un.a The effort refel.red to in my lsst report to induce the Indians to take end owe for their herd of cattle now in the hands of the sgeut has not bean we~arfu!, nor do I think they can very soon be induced to take tllern. At first s few will take cows for their milk; but even in this the elnploy.4~m ust sssist them to "break in" the cuws, nr they sre very much afraid of them. We have "broken" and given to different Indiaos, for their own use, six cow8 this sehson. Four families attend to them regularly, and, under tho direction of the teacher, thr vomsn have learned to mnke butter. 'They have made about forty pounds of butter a. month for three ~nonthn Bast. Rt.it,n .ma). P I I T ~ I I I ~i .w ork c .II'I.c d~eo~111,I:~zli~thre.Ir fur r r by tlw Iudinnd xu the line of s?,iculrurc, i r w.ll LC I I C ~ C C f.o~r ~01~ " D..I,.~!?s ent rJ uppropriare mndr for ollruit.~:a i s rps irriptlitr~d iwh it...m 1 1 8 , riucr.'al.ll "iia. f r o t r . ~ c i ur ~g .int-t.t:i. io plrpaie f ~irrsc , r w p al18 wllirl! "In) be. r a~a r . 1 . P Ii . I i in I . x i t . 'rn t! snviug 10 tho. I)cbart#t~+.t0,:r' ,it,~s.lrS l,r~Ol nat )ear Ly c111,k >.iisl:: Lrei.cattir fi.rm the lodinu herd. instead im' ~sl~~s.h,i.iIuIIgC. ~ H I I I ~1, t ru*t wi I L B ~ ~ I . Jin~ 0 1Ll 4 i . to 11.~. Ivnefit IS the InJinlld of this agency by beiig. uried in supplying the facilities for aicoessfi~liir~ri gating tbe hatrom-lands near here, af whleh there are, perhaps, from four to six hundred aores of very good ",..lita J . A small boarding-school has been in operation doring nine !months of the last year, into which have heen introduced as many features of an industrial character as possible. It has be4n in charge of a female teseher, who hss had no assistaot, and who hits been obliged to do all the various kinds of work involved in suah ic school. The number of different. sohol-ars attending has beenfourteen, ninemalesand five iemalss. Fourboys haveleeroad to r o d ; several write quite a legible hand. Early in the spring a eless of four oould repeat, and write, with appropri~tte characters, the multiplication-table. The bogs have assistad some-what in thsesre of csttie, io the farm.work, and in the chores about the stables. 'Tlle temnles hsve been taught to make bread, butter, and oandles; a few garment3 have been made by them. Between fifty and sixty garments have heen made by the tcsaher forthe children of the achaol, and far a few other Iodiaos. Ahont 8200 have been contributed by friends dur-ing rhe year for educatiallsl and charitable purposes. Although the showing of the school ia atill small, L thiakit would be unwi~sto relinquish effort iothis direction. In addition to the good the chiidren hnva themselves derived, nothing has exerted s. more wholesome inen- |